Pulled Pork, Pork Loin & Chuck Roast


JP Fields

New member
So I have the day off and decided to fire up both the 22.5 and the 14.5. Boston Butts are going on the 22 and Chuckie and Pork Loin on the 14. This is a lot of meat.

More pics to come during the day.
Wow, I thought I had alot of meat on my 2 18s for the fourth...I had 2 10 lb butts on one and another 10 lb butt on the bottom grate of the other one...I used the top grate of the second one to smoke sausage and then I put the sausage in some beans and smoked the beans...

good luck...looks like you have it all figured out...don't forget to post final pics
Looks like Pork a Palooza at the Field's house today!!:D

Can't wait to see the grand finale.
So Chuck Roast came of the 14.5" earlier today. Pulled 1/2 of it and the other 1/2 planning on slicing it. Now I have to get the Butts off the 22.5"

Here's together Chuckie

Well 4 Butts are know pulled. Man oh man does it taste good. I love my WSM. Cooks a load of meat and pretty much set it and forget it. Here's a shot of one of the four. Hope y'all enjoyed.

Thanks Vern, yep they taste great. Sorry, no left overs. I have a lot of friends that live really close by and they already claimed them.

