Proud Papa Here

My granddaughter is headed down the academic road and says she would stay in school forever, “There’s just so much to LEARN!” But,I think film school is where she’s headed.
But, anyway, what are you doing for the celebratory feast!!??
Good for her. Higher education is a great thing as long as it leads to a career. Best of luck to her.

She's in St. Louis, MO, so nothing right now. We did finance a celebratory feed and watering for her and several friends and cohorts there last night. She'll be flying into Reno on the 19th. Picking her up at the airport and heading for Bend, OR, where we'll visit a bunch of breweries/brewpubs. Like Miriam and I, she's a lover of craft beer and pub grub. Returning home Christmas Eve day and our other daughter, her husband and eldest son will join us for Christmas dinner the 25th. Unfortunately, Callie will be leaving the following day. She needs to get home and ready to start her new job at Northwestern U the 2nd of Jan.

