Pros and Cons with Pitmaster IQ 110?



New member
Do any of you have any experiences with using an ATC such as the IQ 110 on a WSM?
I'd sure appreciate your comments, both good and negative.

We have one on the team. The big negative for me is that it does not monitor and display the cooker temp. Works great other than that. We also have Aubers and DX2s. I prefer the DX for the way it controls the fan from 10% to 100%, not just on or off.
The BBQ Guru PartyQ comes with everything you need for only about $150, and is awesome for the 18.5" wsm.

However, even though I haven't used it enough to know for sure, I don't think the 6.5 cfs fan will be enough for my 22.5" wsm with less than ideal weather and/or heavy meat loads. Protected from the elements though, it should be quite adequate for anything you could fit on the top grate.
Do any of you have any experiences with using an ATC such as the IQ 110 on a WSM?
I'd sure appreciate your comments, both good and negative.


If your running too hot it won't lower the temp. The biggest problem with the WSM is maintaining a low temp.
I use one on my 22. Works fine. I wish the air hose was a little longer but it's no big deal.

Whenever my 22 is struggling to get up to temp, I just open a vent to help the IQ out a little. Then I close it when I'm close to target temp. I put a temp gauge in the lid near the handle, no other digital therms.
I have the 110. i love thing to death! It has been a great investment, and problem solver on my temp controls. I use my 110 with my maverick 732. They are a perfect match. I you do not have a maverick or something else, then get the 120. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.
I use the PartyQ on my 18 and love it. It really is set it and forget it. Not sure how well it would work on the 22, but probably works just as good.

