Project Birthday Brisket

There are good arguments for both ways, and both ways have produced some great brisket. I don't know how much Brisket is in Switzerland, but where I live (Bay Area, CA) it's expensive. Hot & Fast sounds I could mess that up, whereas Low & Slow provides time to correct any errors that may occur. That's my take

Since my Dad still has not become younger, I'm gonna pay an arm and most of a leg. I'm gonna buy an imported US Brisket.

I want to source stuff local. But my local butcher cannot get bone-in beef ribs within 2 weeks. In my experience there often is a difference between american cuts and the southern german cuts. If order "Brisket", I have no idea if I get a full packer, or just sort of a similar swiss cut.

Just to emphasize the cultural difference. It is wild to me that you can buy briskets in a supermarket. At a very large supermarket, I MAY find a packaged T-Bone steak. I won't find beef ribs, let alone bone-in ribs. Brisket is a cut I have never seen anywhere. Not at a supermarket, not at any butcher.

I have yet to find a butcher who has beef ribs ready.

A swiss beef brisket is a future project on my list.

