probe questions

So i just ordered my E-732 thermometer and i had a question on the usage. I've noticed some pictures and guides people use a potato to hold the probe to check the smoker temp. How does this work? how does it not give you the temp of the potato and not the smoker temp?

Forgive me if this is stupid but i have never used a thermometer like this before.
The idea is that you push the probe completely through the potato with an inch or more of the tip showing. Then the potato just acts a weight to hold it in place. That said, my suggestion would be to monitor your temp at the top vent.
You can just drop the probe in a few inches and hold it in place with a spring clip or clothespin.
The E-732 should come with a clip that fastens to the grill grate. I like monitoring the temp at the grate level where the food is cooking.

But if should lose the clip, Marc's advice will work just fine.
Originally posted by Rick Ruben:
The E-732 should come with a clip that fastens to the grill grate. I like monitoring the temp at the grate level where the food is cooking.

But if should lose the clip, Marc's advice will work just fine.

or use a cork. You must have one or two lying around
I much prefer temping at the vent as it is more consistent from cook to cook; it's the exhaust. I just put the probe in a vent hole so the probe in the hole, the wire is outside the hole.

Many temp at the vent - either somewhere on it or under it - but I do not like either approach. Proximity to the meat, proximity to the edge of the cooker, liquid dripping onto then evaporating off the probe - all can cause variations in temp. The exhaust is the exhaust. The location doesn't cause variances. It also obviates the need for corks, potatoes, etc.
Many temp at the vent
Sure he meant to say "Many temp at the grate."
And as Kevin has stated your much better off in the vent...
Yes, your grate temp might be higher/lower but to monitor the general situation of your smoker and as a guide, vent temps is where it's at. That will allow the most consistency cook to cook.
I temp at the vent as well as at the grate. I use the following that I picked up from BBQ Guru way back when I picked up the temp controller

This is a nice accurate therm with a silcon cork. I like it because it's removable/not permanent.

Tel-Tru Vent Therm

I think this is also the type Kevin is referring to, don't know who started using one first

I really like this standoff for setting up the pit probe either on "ET" style or the Guru ATC. It's a nice solid tree with a tapered ribbed silicone plug that slips in between the grate rods:

Probe Tree
I think this is also the type Kevin is referring to,
Yes. Been usaing that therm for years. When I really need to monitor remotely - not something that occurs very often - I use my Mav with the probe in a vent hole.

I can't see monitoring two places at once.
Yeah, I am usually using one or the other most times, depends. If I am using the stacker for larger/multiple food type cooks I'll typically have both in use then, just for an additional reference.

If I'm not using any temp control/monitor (most typical actually), the little tel-true in the vent is in use. It is what actually gets used most.

