Prime CenTex Brisket



TVWBB Member
Well, since the weather was so beautiful down here for the three-day weekend, me and the GF decided on Saturday to do a little hiking on some trails a few hours from our house. On our way to the state park, we drove through a town that I had heard rumors of having USDA Prime brisket on the regular at a local grocery store. I have never even seen prime in the case at any of the grocery stores around my house, so curiosity got the better of me. On the way back from a great hike, I just HAD to stop and check it out for myself and lo and behold, picked me up a nice, floppy, USDA Prime briskey! ;)

It wasn't too big, just over 8 lbs.


Side shot to show the marbling in the flat...

My standard brisket rub of GOSP+cayenne. I have recently picked up some Tone's "Restaurant Style" Black pepper that I really like. I recommend it.

The brisket was put on the smoker at 8:52AM. Used several chunks of Pecan wood.

After a few hours it was starting to get a nice color.


Since I was doing this Central Texas style...into the butcher paper it goes!

I took the time while the brisket was on the smoker to clean up the's a shot I figured you guys might like...

Finally it was ready...pulled off the smoker 7PM and let rest for an hour inside a cooler. Internal was around 195-200. Average cook temp throughout was 235. I would have liked to let it rest for at least 4 or 5 hours, but me and the woman were hungry.

Looks like a Black meteor. Perfect! ;D

It sliced perfectly. Wish I could get them to slice this good at bbq comps.

The slices were very moist, even in the flat. Lots of beefy flavor.


My plate was an homage to the German Meat Market style BBQ joints in central Texas. Just some sliced smoked meat with some pickles and onions, white bread and a slice of cheddar. No sauce needed. Fantastic.


Great brisket. Care to name that town that has an HEB with USDA Prime brisket?

And where on Earth did you get all those kettles. There must be a warp in the time space continuum in Fort Worth!
Great brisket. Care to name that town that has an HEB with USDA Prime brisket?

And where on Earth did you get all those kettles. There must be a warp in the time space continuum in Fort Worth!

Sure! It was Granbury. They have a great meat selection. Lots of briskets, select, choice, or prime. Lots of ribs, either pretrimmed st louis cut or full spares, etc...

For the kettles, I either bought them new, scored on local DFW CL, or found on a far away CL and had a member from the Weber Kettle Club score it for me! It's a fun hobby, but the woman is getting sick of it. ;)
Man that brisket looks awesome!!!. I have to break down and do one. (i'm scared cause they're so expensive)

But that great selection of kettles looks good to. Good range of colors and models there.
Max, great cook, I never heard on seen anyone use butcher paper like that and you got great results. The photo that really caught was all of the grills. If the little lady ever gets too tired of you having all of those, I could be a foster Dad if you need me to be. Thanks for sharing with us Max.
Beautiful brisket and that's some excellent knife work! Great cook and wonderful series of photos. Thanks for sharing.

