Price of meat

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David Munson

TVWBB Super Fan
It seems over the summer the price of meat has gone up significantly. Last time I did a brisket (spring) the price was $0.98/lb. Today the price is closer to $3/lb. I am use to catching spare ribs at less than $1.5/lb.

This is seriously pissing me off.
Wanted to put on some ribs early this morning, went to Albertsons since Costco was not open, paid $5.99 per pound for bbacks. What a rip-off!
I agree with the lousy pricing.

Went to Sam's for brisket...walked out seeing the price at $2.62 lb. Flats only.

Found a couple of nice 9 pound choice packers at a small Phx meat mkt for $1.69 lb.

Starting that cook early Sunday am.
Know what you mean. I went to Freddy's this morning and picked up 5 lbs of chicken leg quarters fo 3 bucks. However, the ribs? Oh my! Just can't seem to justify 3 lbs of ribs for $15.00. They did have some spare ribs in the "better cook it now" dept. but I passed them up as my WSM is full for the weekend. Happy hunting.
The mad cow fiasco has nothing to do with the price of pork. I think it is payback time for the farmers that have survived. The farmers that grow the grain to feed their own cattle are smiling.

Since last spring I have not purchased any brisket. I can not bring myself to pay $3/lb. I have been working on spare ribs and the occasional pork butt. Since beef is priced so high more people are switching to chops or other pork and so the price of that goes up. At least this is my guess. I think I remember spare ribs for $1.25/lb in spring. I just paid $2 for the best I could find at my favorite butcher. (Sams was $1.9 but is cryo-packaged and has that expensive added water).

The reason I use the smoker is to process difficult cuts of meat. Difficult cuts of meat are suppose to be inexpensive. This year the price of a brisket went from $1 to $3 per pound!

If this continues, next year we will all be discussing that smoked carrots /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif and smoked potatoes /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif are not really all that bad.
Hmmmm, I tried to smoke carrots back in the early 70"s..........never mind. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
I think it's the Dr. Atkins craze raising the price of meat. Everyone is doing low-carb diets these days it seems now that they're starting to prove that it's not to bad!!!
I really have not noticed a big jump in beef prices in southern california.

Then again, about the only time I buy beef is choice or prime briskets from a major local meat distributor. They have ALWAYS been very very fair with me. I think it is because of the utter lack of demand for briskets in southern california.

As for pork, there has been a slight jump in prices.

In the spring, I believe that pork boston butts were in the $0.85 per pound range. They spiked up to the $1.20 per pound range and, last week, they were in the $1.00 per pound range. I haven't checked this week.

As for spares, they have been a $1.42 per pound for as long as I can remember.
Beef prices on the way up
By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY

Stock up the freezer if you like steak because beef prices at the supermarket are on their way up...
U.S. cattle prices are at a record high, say economists with the U.S. Department of Agriculture... increased 34% ...

...said David Kay of Cattle Buyers Weekly. "We look as if we're going to have even tighter cattle supplies for slaughter in 2004 and even into 2005.... Retail beef prices typically trail the price paid at the stockyard anywhere from two weeks to two months. So last week's increase will not show up at supermarkets until the first weeks of November or until Christmas...

I am going to cry. Hummm. Time to order a quarter cow.

You should all be greatful (if you can stock up). I have this dinky side x side fridge and the freezer portion holds a six pack of oj, 1 pizza, couple of ice cube trays, 5 lbs of meat and it is bulging at the seams. I could't SQUEEZE a quater cow into the whole damn unit!
Count your blessings. Me? I get to pay the going rate. Sucks! /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif
But even then, good q is worth it. After all, the proof is in the tasting.
Here's a link to an article in our local paper I posted in "just conversation". I'm a city boy myself, but sort of a catch 22 around here. Stinks for us buyers, great for the cattle farmer....and Jim's right since the case of Mad Cow in Canada imports and demand. A friend of mine told me his dad, a cattle farmer, is getting 50% more /lb than at this time last year....he's fattening and selling as fast as he can. Haven't heard any issues with pork though....Course I'm sure the packing plants, are taking advantage of everything they can justify. Meat Prices
What I have really noticed is a huge increase in pork prices. Everything on the pig except the squeal has increased in price. I use to pay ~$7 for a pack of bacon at Costco and now I am paying ~$11 for the pack. If this continues, I'll be smoking tofu next. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Alas Mike, is this what we've come to?
No I say! Fight, fight ,fight!
Where's roadkill when you need it? Veggies? Yes. Fruit? Yes. Tofu?
VEVER!!!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif
Was at Costco last night, fillets are up to $13.99. Bbacks are still $3.99 and spares are $1.69. The pork has not jumped nearly as fast as the beef. I bet chicken will get driven up a little due to demand.
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