Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

HeaterMeter v4.2.3 cooking a 5lb butt with thermocouple and TX-1001X probe and bleeding edge firmware with noisedump running voltage mode. I was going to be working on HeaterMeter all day today anyway so I figured, I might as well get some BBQ out of it. Sometimes I forget why I made this project!

EDIT: And this is what a HeaterMeter does
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Wow. That's a beautiful graph, Bryan. I'm jealous.

I was wondering, now that you have improved the noise, would it be possible to fine tune the coefficients for the probes, not that they are off much (if at all) now?
Well the TX-1001 coefficients were measured against the ET-72/73 probes (which were computed from their datasheets) on a v4.0 board so the noise there shouldn't have been a factor. The ET-732 I believe was correlated to another datasheet. I'm not sure how much better a job I can do than those numbers.
Holding temp pretty good with Briquettes, I guess Im going back to using them instead of lump for now on.. Its very windy day today. Using a blower attached to the Rotodamper and stock settings for PID on a UDS
Yes. It looks good to me. I just switched to some parameters that I saw Bryan posted on the development thread (P=4, I=.02, D=5). It seems to be working better for me with a fan only 18" bullet. I have short ribs cooking. They are wrapped and am not using food probes, atm
OK, who wants to watch my butt?

This is a pork butt that had been cut in two by the previous owner. Probe 1 is the big chunk, Probe 2 is smaller with bone.

This is my Weber 22.5 OTG kettle grill with a Smokenator and my "airburner" setup. (Details here)

I have stage fright.

yesterday we started our first real use with meat in the ketle.
1.7Kg pulled pork.

we started at 11:30pm and it run very well over the night.
P=15 I=0 D=0
we only use a servo to controll the bottom vents of the Weber One Touch.

So first time PP before sunset. :cool:
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Lets leave your "nice butt" out of this, this is a family forum here... lol!
All joking aside, it looks like your first cook is going well, though I do see a few drop outs on your food probe early on in the cook...
Yes. When I started I did not have the probes grounded as you demonstrated in another thread. After I did that they came back online. Thanks to everyone - especially Bryan, Tom and Ralph (it seems like all the established settings and procedures have originated from you three) for the online guidance and assistance. Looking forward to that pulled pork.

V4.2.4 testing first smoke on the uds.

Testing the auber thermocouple on my UDS for the first so, as you can see, my smoker has a hard time reaching 350, but that's my doing, as I don't smoke much over 300, I only have a 3\4 inlet. Anyway, I love the thing already.

Heatermeter v4.1 (anxiously awaiting the official release of 4.2)
8.7 lb brisket after trimming
Cooking it a little hotter than usual with the hope of being done in time for a late dinner.

I have lurked here for awhile, but this will be about my 8th smoke with the heater meter.

