Porterhouses and Roasted Vegetable Quinoa


Don Cash

TVWBB Gold Member
Long time since we had steaks. Did them tonight...with grill roasted vegetable quinoa.

Everything ready.


Vegetables roasting on the grill. Should have done them in the oven (more on that later).


Off after 30 minutes at 400*.


Steaks on, 3 minutes a side, rotating half way through.




Oiled bread on while the steaks rest.






Steaks and bread were great. The quinoa was awful. There was a lot of "gunk" in the grill that smoked the entire time the vegetables were "roasting". Tasted like ashtray quinoa. Also, they steamed rather than roasted. Next time we'll follow the recipe and do them on a sheet pan in the oven. Maybe they'll mellow out...hope so because we're having them as a side tomorrow. Stay tuned. :)

Thanks for looking!
Pretty plate! Nice Genny Cream Ale, too.

I don't have any words of wisdom for the roasted veggies -- mine are very inconsistent on the kettle, but I have better luck on the gasser. Have you found a way to make quinoa that doesn't taste so..... quinoa-ey? We've been trying it on and off but we both prefer bulgur wheat as far as healthy sides go.
Never had quinoa, and don't plan to in this lifetime, so I'm good!
Pass me the steak and bread!
Nice cook and pics Mr Cash!
Too bad about the quinoa, but at least you had a (VERY) nice steak to ease the pain!

Love the Genny Cream Ale in the background, too.
PHSteak grilled PERFECTLY!
but your pigtail looks backwards to me... Don, are you "wrong-handed"??!! ;)
I'm just glad to see someone else with a pigtail...I thought I was the only one that owned one. My friends think I am weird using one all the time, but I love it. :rolleyes:
nice steaks. maybe skewer the veggies next time? A little more room for them to roast, instead of on top of each other in the basket. grill burn off is grill burn off... shouldn't have lasted into the cook. :?
T-BONE!!! Beautiful dinner Don. I know you've been busy and haven't posted here as often as you'd like, but this made up for it. Beautifully done.
I've had difficulty with veggies on the kettle as well, but you made up for it with that fine looking steak.
2 out of 3 ain't bad, particularly when the 2 are great looking steak and bread. What more do you need?
After seeing this one again my "2 cents" : I always cook bells/onion/shrooms in a pan like this. Tossed in a small amount of veg oil and spices. I wouldent add carrots to the mix(if they werent par boiled) Couse of the cooking time. The off flavours? Never had any. If they dont get the roasted affect...2 tips

1) Fill the pan with half of what you got there.
2) Dont flip the veg to mutch...Let em get a char then toss em around...Rinse and repeat!

Everything still look´s Money to me!

