Pork steaks on a Genesis


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
As many of you know I'm a charcoal guy, but I was impressed with the pork steaks cooked by my brother-in-law yesterday.
Large thick pork steaks from Costco.
He was flipping them around, and cooking at a higher temp than I thought he should be.
When the meat was pulling away from the bone he sauced the tops with SBR, stacked in a pan, covered them, and put into a warm oven while he cooked chicken breasts and hot dogs.

While not super tender, they were super tasty, with a little outside crunch, and even had a small smoke ring.
I honestly think my wife liked her brother's better than mine, so I'm filing for a divorce soon. :)

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IMHO pork seems to dry out pretty fast if cooked direct on high heat. Because of where I live I have to use a gasser a lot, but I always go indirect with pork steaks and then just a minute or less direct for some grill marks. YMMV.
Don't file for divorce Bob, she will take everything and you will be stuck living in your van down by the river!! :D:D
but I always go indirect with pork steaks and then just a minute or less direct for some grill marks. YMMV.

ditto that Rich, that's how I cook them, and that is why I was surprised at how good these were.
I credit my brother in law, AND the nice thick steaks.
My next pork steaks will come from Costco, normally I buy a whole sliced butt from a local store and they can be hit or miss.

ps, he was cooking more medium than high, but direct.
She was just trying to build the brothers self confidence bob. She's a good sister.. :cool:
I have never cooked a pork steak , nor eaten one , but those look really nice. That's a sharp looking grill too.
My next pork steaks will come from Costco, normally I buy a whole sliced butt from a local store and they can be hit or miss.

Your right, it can be hit or miss doing a whole butt sliced. I've never looked at Costco for pork steaks, will give that a try. I know I've had great luck with all there other meats.
Rich, the Costco's I've been to here in Arizona don't carry pork steaks (or didn't use to). The butcher at the Costco in Scottsdale told me they don't - guess it's because they only carry boneless butts. Sam's Club used to be where I would get pork steaks occasionally but I quit them for personal reasons. Bashas' is my source for pork steaks and CSPRs nowadays....
I'm pretty sure pork steaks at Costco are only available at St Louis area stores, and their butts here are bone-in.
So I see "Pork steak on a Genesis" and then "Bob Correll" and I expected some kind of funny to be posted too. I have to admit, I like my pork steaks with a little outside crunch. I would have been nervous to be the brother-in-law BBQ-ing for Bob, LOL

