Well, my original thought was packages of pulled pork for me. However oldest daughter and SIL are gonna have supper with me tonight. He could nearly pack the whole thing away himselfThe Price Chopper grocery stores in Kansas City had a sale last week at $1.29 lb so I got a two-pack and smoked them last Sunday. Lots of shredded pork in the house now for sammies.
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Yeah, not gonna wrap since I am not gonna push the temps past 235. It's a smaller shoulder (actually I think maybe half or 1/3). So gonna let it push open right through the stall. I anticipate it should be getting to probing temps between 1400-1600. Once it probes tender I will then wrap, and it will go into the cooler to hold until supper tonight.No wrap? Okay. Good bark. When do you want it off the grill? Rest? Oven?
Jealous. Sounds like you will be eating well.
Mom just got done with knee replacement. No pain. Only issues was keeping bandage on for 3 weeks. Adhesive caused contact... then after time became full allergy.
All done with therapy. Just 6 weeks. She put the surgery off for many, many years. Finally done. She is older than the other patients. She did better.
Prayers and wishes for the mrs.
The best thing about cooking pork shoulder, I think, is it’s the most forgiving meat to cook and hardest to screw-up. Even if it’s overcooked (mushy mouth feel), it’s still good and really versatile for multiple options—sandwiches, tacos, pizza, chili, Texas spuds, egg rolls, ABT’s and more.Yeah, not gonna wrap since I am not gonna push the temps past 235. It's a smaller shoulder (actually I think maybe half or 1/3). So gonna let it push open right through the stall. I anticipate it should be getting to probing temps between 1400-1600. Once it probes tender I will then wrap, and it will go into the cooler to hold until supper tonight.
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Cheap dates are the best kind!! Keep up the good work!Well even in a stiff fairly cold wind Big Z hit target temp quite easily of 375, held well and even recovered quickly after opening to tend to food.
As for the guest of honor....................The pork shoulder was incredible. I did it Texas style. S&P only after a light binder of good ol' French's yellow. It did not break apart or shred as easily as I thought it would but this shoulder had a lot of "white meat" in it. I think it was very close to and may have included a lot of loin in it.
Weird thing was there hints of spice over tones in the taste of it. I.E, the bark took on an over tone of all spice, and nutmeg aromas and flavors. I've never noticed before. I think due to the heavier oak content of these pellets. Even my daughter and SIL thought I had used a spice mix of sorts on it. Nope just coarse kosher and coarse pepper. Nothing more.
Anyway I ate WAY too much and I even had a wee dram of Scotch as well. 1st I have imbibed in about 3 weeks. Not even a shot glass (small) and I felt it. I guess I am going to be a cheap date
Anyway everything (except my broccoli) turned out great. I over cooked the dickens out of it.