Pork Shoulder - pulled pork

Here's what came off the WSM today!

First time doing a pork shoulder, not much to it and came out extremely nice!

Two chunks of pork for about 5 people. These were around 3 pounds each.




This is about 5 hours in - I basted and turned the meat



The final product




Made a nice sweet bbq sauce to go with it.


Thanks for looking!

Yeah this was the sauce:

2 cups cider vinegar
1 1/2 cups apple cider
1 cup dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/2 cup tomato paste

Also a little of the rub used on the pork. Came out really nice
Chris, your pork looks EXCELLENT! butt one little sandwich ain't gonna cut it dude!
Four or six of those would be PlatefullPerfect!

Aren't ya gettin' tired of those cook logs yet? I did two ovum then stopped for cocktails
That guy was just posing for the picture
He lost many allies before that picture was taken.

I figure I'll keep the cook logs going for a while. At least until i have a few logs for every type of cook. Then I'll always have a good reference. Trying to remember what worked/didn't work or what was good/not good can be a tough one - especially since the longer the cook the higher the beer intake!
The sauce is great and really easy to make.

Just take the ingredients listed above - chuck em in a pot and reduce over medium heat until it gets sticky enough for your likings

I've tried straying from the recipe a little with some great results, just be careful with the amount of cider and vinegar. It will cause your dijon to curdle.
There is forms that Chris Allingham made up.I like also to keep track of my BBQ's.
1.Home Page
2.Cooking Topics
3.Reference Articles
4.Cooking Logs.
You can chose either EXCEL or PDF.
Oh but the way, nice job on that pulled pork.
and welcome to the web site.
I once kept a smoker log. The ones I kept are still useful...

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">-- .. ... ... --- ..- .-. .. .-. ..- .-.. . ... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not many of us Morse code readers left.
hey thanks!

I'm getting most of my meat (the pork included) from the butchery in bells corners. I've been looking for a good butcher further west (i'm in kanata) but haven't been able to find anyone.

