pork roast help


Matt Grabill

Having some family over on New Year's day for traditional pork roast and kraut. Wife usually gets about 8lb boneless and cooks in oven,but after a fabulous butt n brisket cook for Xmas eve meal she has turned the reins over! Should I go indirect on the Performer or smoke on the 18.5 WSM? Most of the posts I could find were bone in.Was thinking basic herb rub and cook to about 140 internal temp ? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated !
I use kettle as loins don't take that long. You can always use a piece of wood. 140-145 is good. There will be some pink. Tent with foil while resting. I cook at about 300* and do not trim any fat. Yes, indirect
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Thanks,will do. Should I just bank coals to one side or use the baskets that came with the Performer? I've seen where you can put a basket on either side and put the meat in the middle? Think apple for smoke?
I just bank the coals to one side. I find it easier to deal with one pile than 2. Apple always a good choice with pork, but don't over do
I cook ours on the performer with the baskets on the side with the meat in the middle. I like to pour some worcestershire sauce over the top and sides, sprinkle with some lawry's salt and cook away. Cooks faster than in the over so keep and eye on it.
For my family's Xmas dinner, I prepared a 4 boner rib roast with simple S&P in a 350F oven. My sister prepared a pork butt roast with S&P and sliced garlic cloves inserted into the fat, 350F oven cooked it, fat side up. We both kept it simple and they were both big hits. Use the Performer, indirect heat. Use a few small chunks of oak/apple too.
I would use 2 baskets if you want temperature over 400, if you want 350 or less you use a single basket or pile to one side. IMHO
Thanks for everyone's input. I went indirect on the Performer with a basket of coals on each side since the meat only fit across the center of the grate. Rubbed with EVOO and salt and pepper,little bit of Apple for smoke.Took about 1.25hrs,dome therm read about 400 most of the cook and came out great,everyone enjoyed it.



