Pork Chop Night


Glenn Baumgarth

TVWBB Member
Soccer season over and family all home on a rainy Friday night in Phoenix.

Pork Loin Chops - Center Cut. Marinated in SPOG, mustard, soy sauce and applesauce. (And yes, I poked holes in them with a fork to get some of that apple flavor into the chops.)

Over direct for 3 minutes per side.

Yes, we do sometimes get clouds in the desert!!

Indirect for 50 minutes.

Finished product.

Plated with some green beans, rice and applesauce. Yummy meal had by all.

Thanks for the views.
Great looking chops and sides!!! When I was a kid a lot of people ate pork chops with apple sauce and now I never see it anymore.
Nice looking plate of food there,and with a black butte porter. The chops have good color and look amazingly good. Ok! now will you share the break down of your ingredients for your marinate. I have a couple of more black butte porters in the refrigerator,and we can sit around and chat about this>:). Great Post thanks for sharing.
Super lookin' Chops Glenn, I'd Eet at least three ovum:D
.................Welcome to my Appetite!
Nice looking chops. Apple is always a nice compliment to pork. I like to saute some peeled sliced granny smiths in some butter with a little sugar to go on top.
Thanks guys. I think dark beer goes best with chops - must be the German in me. Always love the applesauce with chops. Two reasons: It serves as a nice dipping sauce if I happen to get the chops a bit over cooked (which usually never happens ;) and my 4 kids (all 13 and under) love it!!!

Paul, can't really give you a break down as I don't ever measure stuff as I'm dumping it in the bag. The soy sauce, mustard and applesauce combine into more of a paste consistency than a normal runny marinade. SPOG is usually to taste. Sorry there's not more details for you but that's as technical as I get on some cooks.

