Pork butt ?


Dave Atwater

Ok, so we fired up two butts last night @ 11:30. Just hit 162' internal and foiled with some apple juice. What final temp am I shooting for here to start testing for tenderness?

Butts are 5 and 7 ponds respectively, and the cooker has benn between 200-225 all night.
well, I have never foiled a butt until it hit an internal temp of at least 200ºF and then it came off the smoker & into a cooler wrapped with old bath towels...
but hey, whatever works well for you.
I start checking for tenderness now at 180-185. I used to just let them go till they hit 195ish, but the past few I've done have been nice and tender around the 185 mark. Just remember your not cooking to temperature, your cooking till tender. Just pulled some off this morning too. Some where done sooner then others, so its nice to start checking early. Good luck with your cook!
Crap Jim,

I don't know why I had this idea in my head - I think I have been doing to much reading on here and probably got something mixed up. I'm going to let it run and see what happens....I'll post pics and a review later this evening.
Dave, i'm sure you're good... all the juices that'd drip out are now trapped inside the foiled butts, you're ok....
I'm just saying that I haven't foiled until late in the ballgame...
Looking forward to see your finished pork!

