Pork butt prices?


Paul Pearson

TVWBB Super Fan
What is considered a good price for pork butts? The supermarket had a two pack for 1.69/lb, couldn't tell right away if they were bone in or not. The single wrapped butts were 2.69/lb. If 1.69 is a good price I will snag a package and smoke them up next week.
We have a local grocery that has them for $1.59 bone in about once a month. Costco has them for $1.89 boneless routinely.
Most recently local grocery had them for $1.19/lb but it has fluctuated the last few months up to $1.69/lb.
I paid $1.69/lb last week at my local Harris Teeter for a 9lb Boston Butt. I gave my mother a taste of it this past weekend (my first try with one) and she pulled one out of the freezer for me to have another go. She only paid 99¢/lb at Piggly Wiggly.
In my experience about 1.99 is retail, .99 is a steal and anything in between is a fair bargain. Butts are usually a little more than picnics. They taste good no matter the price!
Local grocery store has $.99 right now for picnic
I usually load up as it'll be a couple/few more months before I see that again.
Thanks guys. I've had the smoker since memorial day and have done quite a few different meats but haven't tackled a butt yet. I am looking forward to that and trying a brisket sometime soon.
I find that prices you see in the USA are always much cheaper than anything in Canada.

That being said, the best price I've found so far in Winnipeg is at Sausage Makers Delicatessen in Winnipeg, MB at around $2.00-2.20/lb bone-in Boston Butt.

