Pork Bargains

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Billy Gardner

TVWBB Member
Good Morning Friends,
Just thought I'd let you all know about a deal one of our local grocery stores ran this week. They had fresh pork shoulders for 0.79 per lb. They came 2 per pack. As luck would have it my freezer is packed so I didn't get any. However I did pick up a fresh picnic for 0.99 per lb.($6.75 total) It is rubbed and coming to room temp. and will go on the old Weber real soon.
Wish that it was possible to send these bargains along to each of you.
Have a good day.
99 cents is what we pay for a picnic in southern NJ but I think the last time I bought a boned butt it was 1.59 - that butt (pulled pork) did not last long around here, in fact I had a friend over for dinner and he asked if he could take some back for his wife (mustard rub), CWB and slaw. It does not get much better than that.

Best wishes to all,
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