Please HELP!


Mark Dordahl

New member
I'm making pulled pork for my mother's 80th birthday today. The BB's went on at 10:20 pm last night and in the past, they've always taken 12-15 hours to finish. This time, at 8:30 this morning, I'm at 190 degrees so they are considered done. We're eating at 4 pm. I'll plan on holding them in a cooler for about 4 hours but could I lower the temp on the smoker and hold them there until noon?
I don't consider mine done at 190, go for tender. I usually seem to go to 200-205. Cut the temp & drag it out. What temp are you cooking at, anyway?
If it is probe tender you can foil it and stick it in the cooler for at least 6 hours if you preheat the cooler with boiling water and wrap it tight in towels and stuff the cooler with towels.
If its cooling off to much, pull it and hold warm in a covered pan in your oven. Add the drippings from the foil to the pan and stir it occasionally.

It also helps if you sit the cooler out in the sun.
What they said....190 is always a bit low to me. Lower the temp and let it go untill really tender. After that its the cooler.
I echo what everyone else has said! I quit cooking to temp on butts and brisket since they both have minds of their own when they are probe tender. I've had them tender at 190 and then not until 200-205. Just too many variables, so I listened to the gurus on this board and now probe tender with just about everything that is a long cook.
Thank you everyone for your advice. I've lowered my temp to about 215 and my BB temp is steady at 196. I'll let you know how it turns out but it's hard to ruin these BB's!
Never checked temps on ribs. I use bend test or bone twist to check doneness. Butts of course are a different matter. I guess-timate my done time then start checking the last 2 hours before I think they should be done. I just use a meat thermometer. If it goes in easily and reads 195*+ I'm good.
My pulled pork was a big hit for a family gathering as always. I appreciate the advice of those that responded. What a great hobby this is!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mark Dordahl:
My pulled pork was a big hit for a family gathering as always. I appreciate the advice of those that responded. What a great hobby this is! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's not a hobby, it's a life style....or addiction. I haven't quite decided yet.
Were you making pulled pork or baby backs? Your title says one thing but your first (and subsequent) posts switch back and forth.

I can see the p.p. taking 12 hr but not ribs.

Just to clarify this for future readers.

Methinks Marks BB's were Boston Butts.
Sounds like ya nailed it Mark.


