TVWBB Hall of Fame
Haha good thing I didn’t order up a pizza kettle for the WSM.Hi Mike, this was an oldie but goodie, thanks for the trip down memory lane. First and foremost you all should know that these type of cooks will ruin your WSM. I did all kinds of high heat (cooking over roaring fire) in my WSM and all those cooks were amazing, however they ruined the WSM for smoking. To answer your question, I did get the disk, and it did work better than the kettle lid, however my favorite lid ended up being my Comal. I dug up a couple threads on the subject
Weber Kettle Pizza Oven
Does anyone know if the Weber kettle pizza oven will fit the 18.5 WSM?
Really had a tough time with the dough, ended up cheating and cooking the dough a little bit in the oven before making the pizzas, but that was hit or miss. As it turns out, it was just a so so pizza night Getting the toppings ready for the CBR pizzas Finally got some dough to
Pizza on Father's Day
Been wanting pizza for a while, but it's a huge time demand. Finally had a day when didn't have to do a million things, so I made pizza. Used Barb's thin crust pizza recipe (2 cups floor, 3/4 cup water, 1.5 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon quick acting yeast) Barb's recipe calls for
Search some of my thread with the words "Fire Roasted" if you want to see other high heat cooks in my used to be WSM, now Fire Roaster
Trying to convince the wife we should get an ooni pizza oven.