Pizza Pizza Pizza


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
We've been craving Pizza lately so that was on the agenda this week. Here's a few pic's.

Here are some of the toppings I used for the pizzas. Onion, chopped red bell pepper, mushrooms, olives, artichoke hearts, goat cheese, pineapple, pepperoni, sausage, and ham.

This is one for my wife. It's a veggie pizza. She's not a vegetarian but when it comes to pizza its her favorite.

Mine, mushroom, sausage and olives. Chopped up a little pastrami also.

Ham, pineapple and pepperoni.

Getting my stone up to temp.

Threw on a couple chunks of oak.

Now we're talking pizza heat!

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Added the goat cheese to my wife's after it was done cooking.

Our plates.

These are always fun cooks. Hope you're all having a great weekend. Thanks for looking!
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Home made Pies are the best!!! You nailed this one, looks very tasty, nice crust! I'll take a few slices please!
OK Cliff I'll be honest. I've been saving this post to read last in anticipation of the great things you do. And I was happily in awe. My goodness do those pizzas look delicious! You never fail to hit one out of the park! What did you use for a crust recipe? It looks so good. I hope you posted that in the pizza challenge because it makes my entry look like frozen Totinos! Great looking cook. I can only imagine how those pies tasted!!
Very nice, as always, Cliff. I'm hoping the birthday fairy is bringing me one of those pizza kettles! I have a kettle to dedicate to it, too!

I'll be hitting you up for tips if I get one. You quite obviously have it down!

Great pies Cliff. got to try that pineapple, peperoni and ham one. I make a pineapple and Canadian bacon I really like.
You are going to enter in the Pizza Redux completion I hope.
Thanks for the great comments everyone!

What did you use for a crust recipe? It looks so good. !

Robert... I was in a bit of a hurry for this cook so I used Trader Joe's Pizza Dough. I really like it. The only thing I've found is that it's a little difficult to shape. It has a lot of elasticity, even after giving it a nice bench rest a few hours at room temperature prior to making the pizzas.
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