Pizza night on the KettlePizza


Ken Chapman

I finally had time to do a pizza cook on the KettlePizza. It was a nice day here in El Dorado Hills with not too much wind so, I though to give it go. I even remembered to take some pictures.

Here is the dough relaxing

This dough is the Napoletana recipe out of American Pie. If you're into making pizzas at home I would highly recommend this book. It has a ton of recipes and so far all of them have been great.

I've got the tools of the trade all ready to go. Just waiting on the coals.

Coals are heating up. Jake is not sure he likes the smoke but doesn't want to miss out so he stays put.

A couple of splits of wood to bump up that heat. I only used two of them

Pizza peel all prepped with a little semolina flour. I usually have no problems with the dough sliding right off. I think semolina is the best for a transfer medium. I also use a wooden peel to put the pie on the stone but a metal one to take it off. Pizzas are made on the peel but they are only on it for maybe 2 minutes top. Any longer some of the moisture from the dough will try to stick to the peel.

Tossed out a dough and ready for toppings.

The first pizza to come off was a Pepperoni, sausage, and mushroom.

The stone wasn't quite hot enough so its a little blonde on the bottom.
Great looking pizzas Ken! I'd take a slice or two for sure.

I believe I own and have read every one of Peter Reinhart's books, except for the pizza book you posted and his newest one from last year, Bread Revolution. Now I am curious to check out American Pie!

Jake looks like an awesomely loyal sous-pizza-chef!
Great looking pizza's, the crust on that second is perfect!
Gotta save my pennies so I can get my own KettlePizza. You can't find those on Craigslist around here, so I guess I'll have to pay full price for one. You guys are pumping me up with all these great Pizza cooks!
Those pies look great Ken! Looks like the winds are dying down around here so hopefully I can get me new kettle pizza fired up. Definitely to look for that book.
Thank you everyone for the kind words. That second pizza did come out pretty good. It was the fourth pizza I cooked that night. Pizzas 2 and 3 were eaten by the kids too fast to get a picture but they looked about the same. Jake will eat all the pizza he can get but I threw a couple of rib bones on the grill for him. He was a happy dog!

this is the last pizza I cooked

Those pies look amazing, Ken! Great char on the crust. A pizza kettle is going on my wishlist, for sure.

