Petite Tenders & 2 Baked Taters


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Can't always find petite tender (aka teres major) steaks around here, so I grab some when I do.
They weighed in at 8 oz each, and were priced at $5.98/lb.
These little fellers are nearly as tender as filet mignon, with a beefy taste much like tri-tip.

The twice baked potatoes get going.

I wanted a mild marinade, so I mixed Stubb's Beef Marinade with Swanson's unsalted beef stock, plus some minced garlic.
Dried off after 1.5 hrs, and wrapped with slices of my bacon.

Grilled direct, lid off, turning often.

Plated with garlic bread, and pickled beets that my daughter canned.


So good it left me humming a happy tune!

Many thanks for your visit!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Fantastic meal Bob! Is the petite tender the same as the mock tender? I believe I have seen the mock tender in this area.
Thanks folks!

Mike, the mock tender, or chuck tender, is not the same.
Never had one, but research shows that they are anything but tender.
Here's a pic of the mock tender:
Thanks Bob! Wasn't really sure since I hadn't seen the petite tender before. And you are right, just about anything that starts with"chuck" is tough, except the great CHUCK EYE!
Nice looking steak and taters Bob (hold the beets) sorry one of those child hood things I just can't handle still!
I'd <STRIKE>garb</STRIKE> grab some too, butt it looks like you <STRIKE>garbbed</STRIKE> grabbed all of them Bob!

And i'm with ? Morgan ? hold the beets, i ain't gonna eet those things.

Beautiful dinner Robert!<span class="ev_code_GREY">'cept for the beets</span>

