Performer vs. building table

built the shelf, 10 inches wide, will stain or paint.

I found the Spirit adjustable cover fits it like a clove! Looks like another grill



That sure looks like it will suit you needs! Might look into adding a shelf to mine if I build a cart for the mini, that is if I can pry it out of the CEOs hands.:)
Thanks a lot Jeff now the CEO wants a shelf on her cart! Guess I'll be looking for another Silver B doner for my new cart:) You did a great job on yours looks really good!
The near wsm is the 18, the far one is the 22. My 'Go Anywhere' is set into the table. Not pictured is a new OTG. I needed some extra grill space two weekends ago.
So I guess it's clear that I endorse building your table right? It's so nice standing at an ample space that's the right height for me. I did it last year and I recall it being two weekends. I suppose you could do it in one.
My one regret is that I didn't polyurethane it. If I was gonna do it again, I'd schmear Spar Urethane all over it.
Nice work on your table! Looks awesome. i've been trying to figure out what to do on my deck. This is definitely a good option.

