Performer from Craigslist


Robert McGee

TVWBB Gold Member
Several years ago, I returned to the charcoal camp. Through simple lack of information and insight I bought the Weber One Touch Gold. It's a fine grill but lacks a table which is a serious issue. At any rate, by the time I added a work table (Weber) and baskets I had about as much into the grill as if I had bought a Performer:(.

I couldn't justify buying a new Performer after I bought the OTG so I just kind of wistfully looked at the Performers...

A few months ago I started looking at Craigslist. There really aren't many grills for sale on there. It kind of surprised me. However, a couple of weeks ago, after following Craigslist almost daily, I skipped for about three days (busy with other projects, etc) and when I checked back there was a brand new Performer (no gas start) for sale. It was assembled but never used. I immediately inquired and learned it had already been sold. It wasn't super cheap at $210 but well under what a new one will cost. Bummer!

Then, a couple of days ago another Performer appeared on the list. It was well used but apparently the second generation. I called within a few hours of it hitting the list and the gentleman still had it. It was about twenty miles away. I jumped in the van and drove down. It was not very old but was not in tip top shape. It had apparently been "rode hard and put away wet". The ash container was full of water and there were wet ashes in the bottom (apparently the top vent had never been closed). The igniter retaining screw was broken off and one of the bail spools was missing. It seriously needed a bath.

It had been replaced by a new Performer for an upcoming graduation party. After just a bit of discussion, I left with the Performer for $50.00. The previous owner seemed happy to get it out of the way and I was happy to at last have a Performer. Now, before anyone says anything I am FULLY aware that it won't cook one bit better than my OTG. I wanted it and I got it - 'nuff said;).

When I got it home:

After a bit of cleaning:

I replaced the missing bail nut and spool (used a wooden thread spool). I may or may not repair the ignition (probably will) but for now will just use my Weber starter cubes with the chimney.

At least I rescued a deserving piece of Weber for the present and will put it to good use as my primary grill.

Keep on smokin',
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Looks great once you cleaned her up, and for $50.00 it can't be beat. I pray I have your luck. I'm in the exact same position you were in: bought an OTG, but want a Performer. I don't have to have it. It's purely a want, and I love my OTG, but...I need some kinda table. Sitting the pans on the back porch ain't gonna cut it. Anyway, nice score and even better negotiation skills. $50 is a helluva deal.
Thanks for the kind words, folks. I did the first cook this evening. Nothing major - just did some bacon indirect then a couple of ground chuck burgers with cheddar, bacon, onions, and jalopeno's. Simple but VERY tasty! Sometimes, simple is good:cool:.

Keep on smokin',
Very nice! I picked up the exact same thing a few weeks ago off of craigslist for $55 and knew I couldn't pass it up! I had to put a few new parts into it, but if you're half as happy with yours as I am with mine I think were both good to go! Congrats!!!

Random question, but is that a Coleman propane canister that you have on yours? Mine came with a torch canister from depot or lowes, but I have several of those Coleman's in my camping supply and didn't even think about those fitting.
Those "midsize" canisters have the same fitting as the torch canisters. They will either work just fine. You can normally get them at Lowes or Home Depot, etc. You can also get an adapter and refill the canisters (this works but is not necessarily a "recommended" procedure) from a large propane tank.

I'll probably repair the gas ignitor on mine but am in no hurry as I have a few boxes of Weber Starter cubes on hand.

Keep on smokin',
At least I rescued a deserving piece of Weber for the present and will put it to good use as my primary grill.

Keep on smokin',

Great score Robert and she cleaned up right nice. I gotta chuckle about the line in the quote, Ya might as well
bite the bullet and fix the gas start now as you will find it to be quite a bit quicker to just fill up the chimney and
push the button and go.. That Performer IS your go to cooker now and welcome to the clan of the Performer. :rolleyes:
That's a terrific deal! I missed one in the St. Louis area this week by just a few hours. They only wanted $80!

My time will come... In the meantime, I'll build a table.
Way to go Robert, The Performer at 100% is a gift from the BBQ gods.. well maybe not that mythical but it really does
make the process just that much easier, quicker and cleaner.
Tonight I used the gas start (with the Weber chimney) and now I see what all of the fuss is about. Good piece of gear, for sure.

Thanks for all of the kind words, folks. I am sure one happy camper!

Tonight my wife and I are celebrating our 56th Wedding Anniversary. We had a nice steak (New York Strip) from Costco. I built a hot fire and put a light coat of Extra Virgin Olive oil on the steak and a good application of Montreal Steak Seasoning and seared it on both sides. It registered at 130 degrees internal (just the way we like it) and off it came. May be the best steak EVER!! Marilyn had nice sides and later we'll share some fresh local strawberries and cream. We have truly been blessed with three great children and four terrific grand children along with absolutely great son and daughters in law. My wife has been a true wonder! Somehow it seemed fitting for Weber to help us celebrate, quietly at home with just the two of us.

Raise your glass, if you will:o...

Keep on smokin',
Craigslist is the best!

I purchased my Performer almost 2 years ago, and it has been great.

After looking for a long time, I finally found a Weber Ranch about 3 weeks ago in decent shape in Gainesville, FL.

Apparently, it was a promotional item that Weber made for Budwiser since it has "Budwiser" written in the cursive script font across the dome lid.

Aside from the "Budwiser" being emblazed across the dome, I think it was a steal for $300.00.

Another great Craigslist searching tool is Search Tempest. You can define how far out in miles to search from your home ZIP code.

Jacksonville, FL
Tonight I used the gas start (with the Weber chimney) and now I see what all of the fuss is about. Good piece of gear, for sure.
Thanks for all of the kind words, folks. I am sure one happy camper!
Tonight my wife and I are celebrating our 56th Wedding Anniversary.
Keep on smokin',
Congratulations to you and the mrs. I'm kinda thinking it might work for you two ;) :o

