Pellets versus wood chunks?


Richard Hinton

In trying to expand my lineup of woods for my WSM, I am looking online, where pellets have wood chunks beat in terms of cost and shipping charges.
Are there any drawbacks to using pellets rather than chunks?
I want more variety than the mesquite, hickory, apple and cherry that are available locally.
The wsm is not designed to be used with pellets. The only way your can use the pellets is if your have a hopper. If your throw a handfull of pellets on top of the lit charcoal I imagine that it will burn up quickly and it won't give you the long lasting burn. I have never used pellets but from the research I did before buying the wsm it appears that the hopper provides a steady stream of pellets to a flame. Good luck.
Well.. You can use pellets
, just have to wrap in foil pacs w/ a small hole punched in the top, or use a metal container with the same hole on top.
You just have to add more pacs or refuel your container during longer smokes.
For the record I always prefer chunks over pellets, but if I need to, pellets will work in a pinch.

I've used pellets hundreds of times, most often in the kettle. Yup, the foil pouch thing. Works well.
And just to add my two cents, I'm not convinced that throwing a bunch of pellets (or chips) on the charcoal pile wouldn't provide for some smoke flavor. Especially since most of use the Minion Method.

Wood chunks are the way to go.
I have a Traeger pellet grill, and have never been very satisfied at the "depth" of smoke flavor that pellets give off. Given that wood chunks burn slowly, are quite consistent and don't take very many to do the job, I personally dont see going the pellet route.
Suit yourself but why not try and see. I've been using them from here for years and have been quite pleased, Wood is limited for me too. I use their sugar maple and sassafras quite often. No complaints from me or my clients.
Recently I've been experimenting with wrapping chunks of hickory wood in aluminum foil and punching a little hole in the foil. I "hide" the foiled chunks in the charcoal and I seem to get a really good constant smoke. Not heavy or dark at all. When the cook is over and the coals and ashes have cooled, I retrieve the foil packets and the wood inside is carbonized and very brittle. Like lump charcoal but more "airy" and like I say brittle.

Anyone else tried this?
I've never used (nor even heard of) pellets, but I can't imagine they are as good or effective as wood chunks. Guess I'm old fashioned, but I'll stick with chunks! Just my $0.02 worth.
The only reason I can see for using pellets would be for a type of wood that you can't get in chunks ie. whiskey barrels etc. My last smoke I wanted apple so I went to the local apple orchard that sells apple fire wood. Gave them two dollars for a big piece of wood. Then cut and split it at home. This hunting season I will be keeping my eyes peeled for wild wood no pesticides!
Originally posted by K Kruger:
Suit yourself but why not try and see. I've been using them from here for years and have been quite pleased, Wood is limited for me too. I use their sugar maple and sassafras quite often. No complaints from me or my clients.
Their savory herb is very good on poultry IMO. Smoke flavor is no problem. Want more smoke, toss in an extra packet. I also like their orange pellets, since orange wood is not available up here.
I love the savory herb and orange on poultry also. This post made me revisit my stash. Oak, sassafras, alder, sugar maple. I forgot I even had em, time to start using them again.

I have used pellets in long as the flow of O2 is restricted, plenty of smoke.
I find the small packs quite handy and easy to have a variety of woods on hand.
Originally posted by Bob LeFever:
I've never used (nor even heard of) pellets, but I can't imagine they are as good or effective as wood chunks. Guess I'm old fashioned, but I'll stick with chunks! Just my $0.02 worth.

I use the pellets when I cold smoke. One has to be careful of the brand because some have a lot of filler and maybe only 10% wood. I have used some that left my Smoke Pistol a gooey mess. Wasn't pretty.
Thanks, all.
I took Kevin's advice and ordered some pellets in flavors I can't find around here.
I made a foil packet and used Savory Herb on two small racks of lamb last night.
I have some oak and pecan pellets still to try, but so far so good.
Question for those using the pellets. How much are you putting into packets? There are a few wood types I would like to try so will be ordering some.
The folks who make the pellets I use, BBQr's Delight, recommend 1/3 cup and one small hole punched in the foil packet. In my few smokes with pellets, I have had good results.

