I'm actually in the process of upgrading my pellet cooker from a standard non-PID to a new PID with Wifi. Did I need to? Definitely not, but on my old controller there is a pretty big gap in the temp set points (it jumps from 250 to 300). Plus I would like to be able to check the status of the grill from my phone during overnight cooks. Since we are talking about temp swings, I thought I'd share a couple of things with the group. Since I wanted to establish a baseline before I upgraded, I performed some tests on the grill with a bunch of temp probes. These graphs all use the same ~30 time period, and the vertical axis scale is the same. The grill was set at 225 degrees and I waited for it to settle in before taking the readings. I've got a little bit of a hot spot on the left side of the grill (where the red probe was), although it really only became noticeable after the temp swings tightened up.
Stock grill with old controller:
Old controller with grill modifications to better control air flow:
New PID controller with same grill modifications:
Same as the PID graph above, except I moved the red probe out of the hot spot:
As someone mentioned earlier, I'm expecting to get less smoke flavor since I'm not getting the big temp cycles, but I still have a "SMOKE" mode available that I can use for the first few hours before I set an actual temperature. Plus, I usually use a smoke tube. Anyway, I'm not advocating one way or another. I was happy with my old setup once I got the hang of it. Just thought I'd throw some data out there for fun.
The other thing I've noticed is that the temp probes that come with the grill (or more specifically, the controller) really smooth out the hills and valleys in the graph. It makes it look like there is almost no variation in the grill temp, although my after market temp probes show otherwise. Here is the graph from the controller (same test as my 4th graph above). The orange line is the controller temp probe, and the other two are meat probes that I set on the grates. The first 10 minutes were the startup procedure with the lid open. It seems like everything is locked in +/- 5 degrees for the entire test.