Pellet Grill Upgrade Delay

Even with the original controller, my 2013 model Traeger still keeps a tighter rein on temperature then our gas oven in the kitchen. I'm looking forward to the temp probes and a bit more smoke, as reported in several reviews, with the new controller. Also, will feel better having new RTD and hot rod. Never had a problem with the +/- 30* but I seldom use the Traeger for anything but low & slow cooks.
The new controller kit came in yesterday afternoon. Installed it this morning, fired up the Traeger and verified everything worked. Activated the PID, set up for grill size and tried it at several temperatures. It took longer to come up to temp. but held within 5 or 6 degrees once it did. Adjusted the P setting to smoke around 180F and was amazed at how much more smoke than with the original controller. Looks like this was a worthwhile investment. Will be doing a chicken on the beer can stand (without the can) Tuesday using post oak pellets. Will smoking for an hour and then cranking it up to 350 to reach 175 IT.

