Peanuts and Fries?



New member
I just got some new add on stuff that came with a little fold up advertising other items that you could buy from that company. One was a rotisserie basket that they said you could do french fries or peanuts or beans in. I was a little taken back as I had never heard of doing these items on a barbecue. Anyone ever tried these? I could see the peanuts, but beans or fries? Intrigued..................
Why not? Makes perfect sense to me, they will be in motion and be very much less apt to burn. Imagine just tossing the green beans with a little olive oil and get them spinning. Same with French fries, hatch chilies anything like that.
Post a picture of the unit, I think I know what you’ve got but a picture would be good. What a great way to roast cauliflower or broccoli!
Some people use them for wings and so on, I think the cleaning of the thing might be a bit of a challenge but, vegetables shouldn’t make much mess, I’d avoid things with sauces but, it should be fun for some things.
The link is to Canadian Amazon but, I’m pretty sure it’s the round basket? I was just thinking how tater tots might be spun in one.

