Painted over hood on a gen 1000


JohnS NJ

Finally got a hold of the sams club oven cleaner. Noticed as I was removed the crud that there was specks of paint. The outside looks uniform red and doesn’t show any defect. Even upon removing the badge the red was uniform. couldn’t remove the end caps since the crud got into the screws.
So question I have is how can I remove the nut as it’s locked in from the crud. And second is that paint from the previous owner putting it on. I do have to say the pain is pretty stuck on.


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That actually is not paint. This is red porcelain enamel. There is a square opening in the lid for the thermometer and the red enamel "bled through" when they enameled the ouside of the lid in the factory. This is common on the colored lids. The inside on the colored lids is always black enamel but around this opening you will always see enamel from the outside. Nothing to worry about.
To remove the side panels I would soak the screws in WD40 over night. That should loosen most of the grease to take the nuts of.
Here is my green lid from the inside. Hard to see but there is green spray over at the openening of the thermometer.


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I wedge a chisel under the nut as best I can and then that puts enough pressure on the bolt head to keep it from spinning. It takes some work, but even some oven cleaner on those nuts would help to.
I can’t grip the bolt from the screw end to hold it in place as I try to wrench out the nut. There isn’t enough give for me to slide a chisel in. Blasting it with that oven cleaning. It’s killing the crud, and my hands, but it’s not eating away from the bolts. Very annoying
John: I have removed end caps from at least 100 of the older genesis lids. The bolts have small ridges on the underside of the head that will restrict if from spinning "slightly". Push on that head while you try to remove the nut. Usually, by wedging a sharp chisel under the nut, it pulls that bolt head tight enough to keep it from spinning which allows the nut to come off. I have struggled with many, but been defeated by none. I eventually win. I guess last resort is to get an angle grinder and cut off wheel and carefully cut them off.
Bruce, I think you’re talking about the “Star” washers under the nuts? I have used an awl to keep some resistance on it. Worked pretty well for me.
They are an elaborate lock washer really but they have a lot of places to catch scuzz!
John, they will come out, it will just take some patience, don’t rush it, it will be worth the wait.
Just had a chance to see the 1000 that the kids were gifted, mostly needs serious cleaning, should be a pretty easy refurb. IF I’m lucky!
I’m probably getting frustrated because not only are these nuts pissing me off, but the oven cleaner from sams club is eating away my skin. That stuff is sick.
John the Sams club stuff is pretty tame compared to Easy Off. Anyway, you really should be using rubber gloves.
I guess they probably are those Star washer nuts. But if you use a battery powered drill driver with a 7/16" socket and keep rocking the nut back and forth while unscrewing, it should come out. Keep as much finger pressure on the bolt head while doing so as you can. Once you get a bolt out, you will see the underside of the head has ridges that help to keep it from spinning but only if there pressure on the head.

I put these bolts in to replace those when I do my rehabs.

THey look pretty cool on the end caps compared to the factory bolts. And no problem removing them later on.

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I’m probably getting frustrated because not only are these nuts pissing me off, but the oven cleaner from sams club is eating away my skin. That stuff is sick.

I still have deep scars on my legs where that Sam's Grill & Oven Cleaner stuff got me really badly. It soaked pants I was wearing and I was oblivious to what was happening until I got in the shower and saw the deep alkali burns:eek:. That stuff works great, but protect your hands and eyes and don't let it get soaked on your clothing!
Jon, when I use that stuff, I do my grills in shorts and sandles. But, my legs were not pretty to begin with.
So after using the oven cleaner, wd 40, pressure washer, decided to go the angle grinder route. Would have went to that instead of wasting water and product.
did weber mass produce the hoods in black and then spray color? Mine was not uniform after pulling off the end caps


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I believe they spray or "coat" the hoods black and then overcoat it with other colors on the outside. You hood is typical. That is actually porcelain coating. It isn't paint.
Yes it is not paint. It is porcelain enamel. Also the black stuff could be grease as well. And you need patience. Restoring a lid takes me normally a couple of hours. And yes you need to wear a gloves and eye protection with that Sams cleaner. That stuff is aggressive to your skin.
Jon, when I use that stuff, I do my grills in shorts and sandles. But, my legs were not pretty to begin with.

Better shorts and quick rinsing off then it getting on any clothing and just soaking your skin for a prolonged period. I couldn't believe I didn't feel anything, but I was fortunate not to have to get medical attention. It healed without any infection, but I think I will have scars as reminders for the rest of my life:confused:.
Yikes Jon. I have taken to wearing a BBQ chefs apron when working on my grills. Not that it really keeps my clothes clean, but it protects my skin from stuff like splashing and spraying grill cleaner and I have found it very effective in limiting the number of wires I get lodged in my clothing after grinding a cook box. It reduces the number in my actual clothing by probably 90%. It protects my bare legs good too.

