Overnight Smoke 2 Butts for B-Day Party


Tim Harris Sr.

TVWBB Member
Hey guys my twin boys have their 6th birthday party Saturday and I just put on 2 butts about 8 LBS each on the WSM..

I used Water full in the pan, Kingsford Blue, Peach Chunks, using the modified version of the Minion method.

What I do is fill the Chimney 3/4 full, then put the rest of the bag in the WSM... I added about 7 chunks of Peach wood on top. Once the Lit coals from the chimney are ready, I just sprinkle evenly over the top of the Coals/wood in the ring.

The water added in the Pan is HOT water so it does not take long to get to temp.

Vents at the bottom are open at about 25%, Top Vent is open 100%..

Meat was added at 1AM.. Here are the pics I have so far.. I will add more when I wake up tomorrow! I always have a hard time sleeping when I do overnight cooks, hopefully Everything goes well!

I woke up at 8AM and checked the temp of the BBQ, It was holding at 215.. So I stirred the coals and it went back to about 230.

The Temp of the meat was around 187.

3 Hrs later I pulled the butts at around 200 degrees.. (1 was 200 the other was about 196)

Wrapped in foil right away, wrapped in towels, then set in an ice chest.. I'll let them sit there for about 3 hrs before pulling.

The only concern I have is When I woke up, there was no water in the pan left, just grease from the cook. (and it was poppin) I did not want to re add water to the pan for the risk of my temps getting all messed up. Im surprised all of the water was gone. Will this effect the meat?

Im also interested in how the smoke will effect the meat since I used more chunks than usual. (peach)

I guess we will find out in about 4 hrs!


