Old Smoky Moo ribs


russ olin

Closed Account
Yesterday we did up some beef ribs. Seasoned them up with S&P, tatonka dust & pit barrel all purpose
Into old smoky mtn. cooker along with some beer for flavor. I think that I will smoke these in the 250 range
After 3 hours spritzed with beef broth. Looking guud
5 hours total and ready to eat. They were tender & tasted fantastic. Sometimes beef ribs can be tough depending on the animal. Not this time.
How about those Bronc's? The MVP of the league plays in Denver. Old man Manning. What a season it has been. Hope that we can get to the big show & win it!
Have a Merry Christmas everyone,
Russ, Deb & Rose
Russ - I normally don't get on the forum and rant and rave and criticize my fellow smoker but you are the exception this week. (I only do it once a week) And it all has to do with these "M00" ribs. You are right, they are flavorful and cook up nice if you do them low and slow. From what I saw though there was only one plate and after studying your Pic I don't think you had anybody to share them with. Now my criticism has to do with Colorado being as close to Washington as it is and I re-checked my mail box this afternoon and still no invite. Even though the Seahawks seemed to be too much into themselves last weekend against Arizona, chances are they will meet Broncs in a Superbowl game. Now wouldn't it be great if we (You and I) could, without throwing the bones at each other, sit down and share a few "M00" ribs and cheer on our respective teams in the SB? You keep cooking those bones like that and I'll keep checking my mail box. Nice job. Bob
Russ - I normally don't get on the forum and rant and rave and criticize my fellow smoker but you are the exception this week. (I only do it once a week) And it all has to do with these "M00" ribs. You are right, they are flavorful and cook up nice if you do them low and slow. From what I saw though there was only one plate and after studying your Pic I don't think you had anybody to share them with. Now my criticism has to do with Colorado being as close to Washington as it is and I re-checked my mail box this afternoon and still no invite. Even though the Seahawks seemed to be too much into themselves last weekend against Arizona, chances are they will meet Broncs in a Superbowl game. Now wouldn't it be great if we (You and I) could, without throwing the bones at each other, sit down and share a few "M00" ribs and cheer on our respective teams in the SB? You keep cooking those bones like that and I'll keep checking my mail box. Nice job. Bob

Hello another Bob, I loved your post. And if the Broncs & the Seahawks get to the big show, you are invited to Durango for a vacation to watch the SuperBowl @ my home. I think that it would be super fun. Win or loose I'm always a good sport. LOL Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year up there in Washington.

