Ok, bought foodsaver, now have a quick question...

Just buy it.
You got the cash.
Just buy it.
You'll use it.
Just buy it.
Stash it away when you don't use it.
Just buy it.
What are you waiting for?
Just buy it.
I'm not.
YES! I bought one for the pulled pork that I make. Months later I take it out of the freezer. Plop it into some boiling water. Cut open the bag and it tastes like I made it yesterday. No freezer burn. And the food lasts longer in the freezer and the frige. Well worth the counter top space. Or shelf space in between uses.
It's 35 degrees outside....sleet/snow/rain mix...miserable....you have a serious BBQ craving....you reach into the back of the deep freeze and find a package of pulled pork you made in the middle of summer and vac-u-sealed for just now...ahhhhhhhhhh......

Outside of my toaster/convection oven it is the one kitchen appliance I am most thankful I bought....inside of my toaster/convection oven it is too dark to bbq
We have the V2490 Food Saver. I use it alot. Before that we used to waste food. I won't touch left overs that are more than a day old if they have'nt been suck'd and seal'd.
I use mine all the time and not just for Q. I personally love the idea of being able to freeze fresh Q. On T-Day I gave away pulled pork as parting gifts to my family. Works out great when they ask when are you going to make this or that again. I just reach in the freezer and say when are you going to make it! Get one they come in handy. Vince B
Originally posted by Don Irish:
It's 35 degrees outside....sleet/snow/rain mix...miserable....you have a serious BBQ craving....you reach into the back of the deep freeze and find a package of pulled pork you made in the middle of summer and vac-u-sealed for just now...ahhhhhhhhhh......

Outside of my toaster/convection oven it is the one kitchen appliance I am most thankful I bought....inside of my toaster/convection oven it is too dark to bbq

You have barbecue that stays out of your and your families mouths for that long? You're a better man than I!

As to the Food Saver...how does a barbecuer get along without it? Get it.
Ok, I bought a foodsaver... Do I freeze pulled pork with sauce on? I use a Memphis Red BBQ sauce.
re, why not?
Add more if you like when thawed.
It's only food. If it turns out bad, feed your dog.
What can go wrong?
not really...
I cooked two (almost) 8 pounders wednesday night/thursday morning and vac-packed half of it three hours later and it was still hot.
Rob, it's food, take off the kid gloves and have some fun
When I put my pulled pork in my freezer bags, I put about a serving or two in each bag. Then I move it around inside the bag so it is kind of thin in the bag. So it will cool and freeze quicker. Sauce and all.
I bought a bunch of small aluminum tins and "pre-freeze" my pulled pork with any left over rub (just make it into a sop basically so I can pour it in). It comes right out of the tin in a nice shape, then I vac pack that. Great presentation, great for stacking in the freezer as well.

will post a pic shortly.

