Nuthin' fancy t-bone friday


Gene Brownson

TVWBB All-Star
The new CIG'S getting christened at the Brownson house, it took 5 shipments from Craycort to get us the 26.75" one but it got here just in time. T-Bone crazy!

Got the chimney fired up on the side wife's CB, that's about what it's good for, SSSHHHH

I got some 3/4" T-Bones from da butcher and hit em' wit a little S&P. Keepin' it simple tonight.

AAAHH, yea, dat's da ticket!

Lovin' dem dair grill marks, that's what I've been lookin' fur

I can't take credit for dem taters, da side wife, (as she will be affectionately called from here on), Didn't feel up to doing them, so we pulled them out of da freeza and poped em' in d oven, in keepin' wit da "Nuthin' Fancy T-Bone Friday" I LOVE HER MAN!

In the end, all that was left was dem bones

Thanks for checking us out. We're just simple folk, both figuratively and literally:) Chuck Eyes this weekend, my first try,I'll post them also. Thanks again.
Good looking steaks! I don't know which grill grates look more like brand new - the gasser's or the cast iron.
It does NOT get any better than that! I'm doing a pepper stout beef tomorrow, otherwise this would be the menu.
Simple is good. I like simple. Great looking grill marks there. I really like the cast iron grills. Worth the cost?
I think so, they were $119+. I also bought a lifting iron and an extra great to use as a warming spot. I seen this on Jim's post's and think it's a great idea. Total was $166 and some change. I think it makes a difference but it all depends in what you like. The wire one's work fine but you win't be able to get the grill marks and keep the heat that the CIG's will give.
T-riffic steaks and taters!!! Nothing wrong with having another Mfg's BBQ on your patio to help with lighting your Weber!!

