NU Temp reading HHH?


M. Chesney

I have the NU Temp 701 wireless thermometer and have used it about 8 times and lately after an hour or so my temp displays HHH. According to the manual it states that an HHH reading indicates more than 392F which I know is not the case. Has anyone experienced this? Could it be batteries running low or a malfunctioning probe?

Hope someone can help.


if you're certain the probe isn't getting too close to the fire, more than likely it's the battery. It's odd that it's taking an hour to register HHH though

It's probably more likely a malfunctioning probe. Have you tried switching probes if you have another one? I've had it happen before with one of mine and discovered the probe was bad. It read high initially though, not after an hour of use.
Mike, I have had trouble with NuTemps. I learned after my third purchase of probes that if you have sumerged them when cleaning previously, moisture will get in there and it is next to impossible to get out. My theory is that the moisture will react to the heat and provide an incorrect temperature, and I have seen over a 150 degree too high reading. Also, I have found that if you leave the trasmitting unit out in the open, the contacts will freeze and either provide the HHH or stick on one reading and not move, regardless of what the real temps are. THe best test is to put the tips of the probes in boling water and see how close to 210, 211, or 112 the settle on..Good luck!
Thanks to all with your helpful advice. Think at this point I will call Nu-Temp direct and ask for a new probe since I think it is the reason for the incorrect readings. In the meantime, are there any probes anyone can recommend that have long lasting accurate performance? Price is not an issue, I just want reliability.



