Not making this up I swear.


Brandon A

TVWBB All-Star
I just woke up to the guru ringing in my ears, low temp. After stumbling around in the -15 degree cold, trying to figure out what happened, I realized that the guru was flashing as if it were trying to run the fan. I reached under the guru fan to the opening and spun it by hand a few times and it came to life!

I was worried that I did something stupid at 2 am like usual, but this time I can actually blame it on the guru fan FREEZING! Meat temp never dropped below 143 so I'm not worried about that, and even if it didnt turn out, I could blame it on the fan freezing, not the vodka
Man, this is going to add some hours to the cook! Time for some alieve, maybe a bloody mary....
This is what happens when you rely too much on technology. Nature spanks you!

Hey - and nothings like a cool crisp Iowa winter morning is there?
Joel, you got that right...theres nothing like walking outside in your pajamas into a nice refreshing Iowa morning, aka -15. It may get colder some places, but we rank right up there. It builds character right

I have a bunch of before pictures and plan to take some afters sometime today. The pork looked soo good, it reminded me of a rib roast...anyone heard of chairmans reserve pork?
The two winters that I spent in Ames, IA were the only times that I had my eyelashes freeze together. Do I miss it? NO.

Of course, Iowa State never won a bowl game while I was there. Maybe that would have made everything seem warmer... Apparently not.

