You can't taste a smoke ring, but put the meat on cold and keep your smoke going until the meat reaches what...140* or something when smoke ring formation ends? I smoke a lot longer than that though, especially with butt or brisket.
Anyway, for pork butt I'd suggest mixing some hickory and/or oak with that apple since you want a lot MORE and LONGER smoke and the denser nutwoods will help. It's EASY to oversmoke ribs (and chicken), but kind of hard to do with pork butts and brisket, at least on the wsm. Keep in mind though that if your neighbors have had some really exceptional bbq cooked in wood-fired pits, that's gonna be hard to duplicate on a wsm. You can get pretty good smoke flavor on the wsm though, and most folks with wood-fired pits, at least "backyard" size offsets, tend to OVER-smoke anyway. It's a LOT of work to do long cooks and keep a clean fire on what I'd call an "affordable" wood-fired pit.