Noob Question-Charcoal for Smoking Ribs



New member
I am awaiting the arrival of my WSM 22.5 tomorrow. Planning on smoking ribs on Sat. How many coals should I put in to smoke 4 slabs?
I like to fill the ring. For ribs, it will be more than you need, but you'll know you won't run out and have to refill. When the cook is done, shut all vents and there should be plenty left to use up on the next cook. A side benefit of doing this is you'll learn if you cooker is tight because if it is not, the fire will not fully extinguish and most of the charcoal will burn up.
I like to fill the ring. For ribs, it will be more than you need, but you'll know you won't run out and have to refill. When the cook is done, shut all vents and there should be plenty left to use up on the next cook. A side benefit of doing this is you'll learn if you cooker is tight because if it is not, the fire will not fully extinguish and most of the charcoal will burn up.

Ditto what Jerry said...
My first run I didn't listen and had to add more charcoal 3/4 of the way through. It's a lot of charcoal but seriously, running out is a PITA
I dump a chimney of unlit charcoal into the ring, and then light a chimney of charcoal. Mix the 2 togethor once the 2nd chimeny is ready. It's been more than enought to do a 5 hour cook @ 250-275.

