No more excuses: corned brisket-w/Q-view


Frank H

TVWBB Gold Member
No more foolin around! I've been threatening to smoke a leftover point cut corned beef that didn't make it into the boiled dinner for st pattys and today I said "no more dithering , I'm doing it today"
So I dug my WSM out of the garage , put the corned beef on to soak , got all my charcoal stuff out

Went back in while the fire got going and did a little prep on the rinsed corned beef (about 4 lbs)
Cracked black pepper,onion and garlic powder. Didn't have any coriander seed or juniper berries , so I guess this will be more of a straight corned beef than pastrami....I just hope it's not too salty.

Meat went onto the smoker at 10:23 AM no water in the pan , just some gravel in a foil pan and the meat is in a foil pan , so cleanup should be a breeze. Smoker is rockin along at 250 and now all I gotta do is foil it when it hits 170 and then we'll see if it gets done before bedtime. I will post some more pix as the day goes by.

meats been in the smoker just over 2 hrs and the IT is 175. Tested the meat with a meat fork and a cake tester probe and it feels fairly firm yet. i think its got a little way to go.Covered the pan with foil and threw it back on. The temp of the smoker jumped up to 300 pretty quick because of having the lid off , but I closed the vents down almost all the way and propped a wind break(square of plywood) in front of the windward vent. It's a little breezy out there today.

Just over 2 and a half hours and this corned beef is DONE! I am amazed , but the IT is 195 and , more importantly , the meat fork slides into the brisket like a hot knife into buttah! I cut a wee snip off a corner and I'm going to have to say it tasted good , but I'm thinking its going to be salty......PROBABLY shoulda soaked the meat overnight. The brisket is currently resting in a cooler , wrapped in foil And a ziplock and a bunch of towels....gonna check it at 4pm


After a nice 2 hour rest in the cooler , I couldn't wait to try my corned brisket. I sliced a few hunks and it is delicious. Tender , juicy , nice and smoky but not overpoweringly so and not salty at all! Just right.
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GOOD JOB!! It's a good thing that you don't live down the street from me or you would have an uninvited guest knocking on your door. Man! That looks GOOOOOOD!!

If I read your post correctly it took 2.5 hours? Nice cook!!

I was shocked at how quick it was done. I guess I'm going to have to believe it takes roughly an hour per pound for brisket.
I want to try a fresh brisket soon and this cook gave me a lot of confidence that I can do it right !
Frank that looks great! My dad used to do corned beef indirect on the original kettles starting in 1953 or 54.
It always brought the neighbors out for corned beef on our patio. No fences to hold them back then. It has
been a while, but I am going to have to try one on the kettle again soon.

