No bark/crust on ribs. What went wrong?

Thanks guys. Just passing on the methods I was taught. I know there are others on this list that were also taught these same methods, as he holds up the secret helix sign ;)
Breaking it down into steps or phases makes any cook more manageable and more enjoyable.

The word Sticky does cause me to chuckle... during comps, our reps commonly remind us that the supplied rolls of paper towels and not the judging cards are for cleaning your hands ;)
Brings visions of judging card all stuck together with absolutely delicious sauce....
Your first attempt sounds a lot like my first attempt at babybacks on the WSM. Took them off after checking the temperature at around the 4 hour mark. The meat was tough as all get out. After a couple of ribs the whole batch went into the trash. Wish I'd read this post before making the attempt.

One other possible reason may have been that it was a pretty big slab of ribs. Long enough ago that I don't recall the weight. Maybe the hog had been too old and tough for babybacks.

