No accounting for taste!


Chuck Tatham

TVWBB Member
We had a mini rib fest at work today. 10 people agreed to bring their best. We were each given two racks 2 nights before and would have to re-heat just after noon on the event day.

I have to say, I did some of my finest work with a BRITU rub and perfect Cherry and white after about 4.5 hours, sauced with a mix of KC and bit of honey. They looked and smelled amazing. Foiled over night then re-heated in the foil with about 5 mins out on the warming grill.

We were paired in groups of 2 to do the warming. Guy next to me pulls out these wet gray looking units and slops some watery tomato-ish looking sauce that barely stuck....looks at mine and says "wow...I'm bringing a knife to a gun fight". I knew there were a few people with some nice looking stuff and one set from a big green didn't know what to expect.....but I didn't even want to try the ones next to me.

When I uncovered mine a few people went kind of weak kneed from the woman said "oh my god those smell soooo good"

Long story short.....wet watery guy wins!! I was blown away.

I got third so not bad but wow!
i'm sorry, but your story is hilarious.

something similar happened to me about 10 years ago in a chili cookoff.

people are retarded
Originally posted by TroyRedington:
i'm sorry, but your story is hilarious.

something similar happened to me about 10 years ago in a chili cookoff.

people are retarded

In all due respect, I have a different perspective. Mentally or developmentally disabled folks actually have an excuse, but so-called normal people often just have no taste.
He placed! That's a pretty funny story.
I'm always hearing about how good people's ribs are. I ask them for their technique and the first thing they say is " I boil them for X amount of time" . Then they ask me how I do mine. They are blown away at how long I cook them. Although,the guy I trained to cover my run while on vacation this week actually said boiling ribs is silly. He bakes his! LOL Then he finishes on the grill.
I have found more often than not that people want ribs to be "fall off the bone" tender first and the sauce, taste etc. is secondary.
Gave 'em heck, but lost the war, eh?...

Problem is probably rooted in the fact that A LOT of people have only experienced bad / mass-market / cheapo-diner ribs. In their mind, what they are accustomed to is "right". They just cannot fathom what to do when they experience something outside of their safety zone (even if it is really tasty).

Similar thing happens around here every year - Local newspaper does a "Best Of Milwaukee..." series. Guess who consistently wins "Best Seafood" in a city with several really excellent Seafood Restraunts - Red Lobster (which I consider "decent", but other local places are in a whole nother league).

Seafood Restraunt = Red Lobster
Good Ribs = Meat Jello

Sometimes, that's just the way it is...
Funny, but so often true. You wouldn't believe how many people ask me if I boil my ribs before cooking because they think that's what you are supposed to do.
People seem to like what there used to. Even if its not very good. Theres a "BBQ" rib place near were I live. Par boiled ,grilled, and slathered with sauce. So many people think there great
I give you the exhibits.

I didn't actually get to taste his...and they did end up looking marginally better after some grill time.

I felt better when one participant said about mine "I have never tasted anything quite like that before....these are amazing". That was worth the efforts even without the win.




