Nice big shoulder…..or butt…..??


Darryl - swazies

TVWBB Diamond Member
What is it again???
Throwing on a 7 ish pounder boneless Kirkland butt this morning.
Started working on the fire about 6:30…’s almost 8 now and the smoke is just clearing up.
Achieve a desired temperature and the dirty smoke is almost gone.
JD briquettes, Apple and cherry hardwood, holding about a 240.
Plan is to braise in lard at about 200 - 220 or so once I have been in the stall for a little while….it gets there pretty fast to be honest.
Yellow mustard for binder and heavily coated in Gringo Grande.
I cut the shoulder into 3 pieces for many reasons…..thanks again for that tip Mr. Richards.
It’s a long weekend here so we will be enjoying 5% or better today and the final meal is uncertain right now.
Could be pork on a bun with ceaser or slaw……or with red beans and rice……..
Or a pork bowl with red beans and rice and some guacamole………..
Or delicious delicious carnitas……..
Once I am sure I have a steady temp and it doesn’t want to go out I am heading to the grocery store to get the last of the supplies….need to make up my mind soon!
A few pics to get us going.
Pickle pics but not even 24 hours yet…..Brett’s sour garlic style.


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Step on it a bit you could knock off about 20% drive time. ;)
Cook times are funny, it’s like rocket speed at the start…..1 hour in and already at about 110…..
My temp probe could probably be in a better spot.
Also red beans and rice it is bud……canned ingredients I have, off to go the the fresh stuff.


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3.5 hours in and we have a bit higher temps…just over 250…sitting in the stall.
Just going for optimum colour and bark and then I think I am going to add it to the lard and do a very low temp braise.
I don’t know tons about braising, can the temp be too low?


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Pork wasn’t getting as much bark as I was hoping for so we worked right through the stall.
Sitting at 178 now and finally getting somewhere…..things move faster in smaller pieces.
To braise or not to now is the question….lookin good, also margarita time here real soon!
The MRS seen excitement and proceeded to clean up my crystal glasses……I hope everyone else is having a great day today.


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If you drink beer after liquor I get sick quicker….yuk.
Okay red beans and rice is all pre cooked….this is a great thing as it makes for a quick fry before dinner time.
I took lots of pics and am just going over this one more time as many ask what it is, what it looks like or what the recipe is.
The recipe can be made to be your own mostly, like this time I did not use red pepper but Hungarian instead.
Obviously jalapeño in there too.
I use no salt and pepper in this just gringo and butter…..and lots of each as it needs lots of flavour as the rice is bland.
Pre cook your rice and refrigerate it….pre cook the veggie portion and refrigerate that in a separate container.
Rice is easy, we just use plain white rice.
Red bean combo goes like this…..….
Have your pan hot ish with some cooking oil in it, not a ton.
I like my onions diced up small, and fairly small for the peppers too but large if you love them would work.
Get peppers and onions in there and add a good amount of gringo.
Fry them up until onions go translucent and then add lots of garlic……fry for a minute or two.
By now your red beans are rinsed and the Rotels are open…you are going to use all the liquid from the Rotel container.
Add the Rotels now and add more gringo……stir.
Heat that up for 5 minutes or so.
Shortly after add the red beans and add more gringo…..
For some reason the liquid dries up quick, I add good amounts of butter…..seems to look a bit thicker once you get that working.
Heat for a while getting everything nice and hot all the way through but without changing the colour of the beans or tomatoes.
You want the butter and oils to soak up, the texture of liquids should be almost gone when it is finished.
Store in a glass bowl with a lid once it cools and refrigerate.

Now I hope I get pics later but this is how you finish the dish.
Get a pan out that fits your burner and get it pretty hot….not insane but you want to try and crisp the rice, not burn it.
I like to use butter and oil but use what you like. Butter is nice as it gets some salt flavour in the rice.
Get a layer of rice going, I pack it a tad and let it sizzle….keep checking for crispy bits.
Don’t go crazy, the rice gets crispier than you think by looking at colour alone….taste a few pieces.
Once you have good texture, flip and mix it a bit and put a pile of the veg on there….let it go a few more minutes and then mix it all together.
The veg may have solids in it from being cold but that is fine….now you just need everything to get nice n hot for plating.

This is salty and taste like Mexican and goes great with any Mexican dish want to make like tacos, enchiladas or even inside a nice tasty burrito.
I hope someone tries it out sometime and lets me know….I made mistakes the first time doing it myself but came to this.
Also tell Joan I posted a recipe for once;)
By no means is this traditional at all, but come up north of the boarder and you get some crazy Mexican dishes…..EH?!!


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Awesome pics and techique on that dish.
It’s the flavour at the end and texture…..
We both like it, maybe we are weird……..what I do know is sometimes we take leftovers and left over beans and make it into a breakfast with fried dippy eggs…..this makes me happy too…..
MRS made me a treat!
8 year old, 10 year old and 5 year old. Hungarian and Hungarian hot and summer…..
Also getting some live deep purple going now…it’s pretty good…almost margarita time!


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This one is for you Tim.
Holy cow, the day keeps getting better.
Amazon was just here and dropped off my new Neil Young box set…..just released.
Not new releases but part of his release series I think these are from late 80s and early 90s.
Lots of tunes now!


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Everything came out as good or better than expected….saved a bit of lard for my beans n rice….
Dinner should be in an hour or 2….
We are really enjoying these new records.


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This is incredible, Darryl. All of it. Thanks for the nod. The food looks outstanding, as does the vinyl. I love that Farmer John and Hurricane take up the entire side 5.

I'm like five hours away...keep that rice warm. Bringing reinforcements 😃

