Larry, your instrument analogy is something that strikes close to home for me! I used to sell instruments, people bought things from our shop because we did GOOD set up work on everything that went out the door. Most people bought (were sold) what they found out to be a better use of money. I had one guy literally ask what the “Best guitar for his daughter to learn on?” I told him that the Martin D-18 we had in stock would be a forever guitar. Then we talked more with the girl and we stepped back to a very nice “student” Alvarez in the same kind of design. Her dad and I chatted quite a bit about the tactics of dropping from a $1500 instrument to a well set up $250 guitar. He will spend a lot more than the 1500 by the time he’s done buying her guitars was what I told him, he laughed and said “Yep, probably but, I want her to make the jump if she likes it.” Two years later I sold the guy a D-28! (~$2500 IIRC) she learned a lot and he said she’d earned it!
Still thinking about getting that guitar of yours a neck reset?