New Weber Cart Design, possibly?

I actually think that is kind of cool, in an old-fashioned way. It kind of strikes me like a special version that Weber might have offered the Genesis in had they made it back in the 1960's.

Reminiscent of these:


Looks to me like the guy cannibalized an old wrought iron cart of some kind. I am guessing the legs and bottom part of the frame was toast and he just cut off the bottom and set it on that cart. Definitely interesting though.
That picture Jon posted with the red lid and yellow cart would probably be worth 10k to a collector. The WKC people would know but Jon knows a lot about this stuff maybe it was a one off.
I am probably wrong, but the wheels on that Genesis look exactly like the ones that Weber used on really old (late 60s early 70s) 26 inch kettle grills. If that is what they are, they are actually worth some money to collectors. The grill itself looks like a pretty early model, so maybe it was from a Weber owner from way back who took them off one of those kettles he was discarding.

This is an example. The white walls have been repainted nice and bright on this restored one, but look at the actual wheels. The wheel you can see on this custom Genesis looks the same to me, just the whitewall is washed out. I do know that the 26 kettle wheel is 8" like the Genesis, not 6" like on the "regular" 22" kettle:


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