New Upgrade


C Fast

New member
After two summers of using my home made trash can smoker I finally upgraded to a 22.5 WSM. It should be a nice upgrade over the trash can. The can, however, did turn out some decent barbecue.





The new WSM is still in the box but will be fired up this weekend.
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You will love the 22 1/2 WSM Fast. You will wonder why you didn't purchase the WSM years earlier, I know I did. Pictures were not posted before I wrote this...Wow some good eats right there. I use that same trash can only for ashes now :). Glad to have you aboard Fast.
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Thank you Larry, I have spent the last 30 minutes on that trying to figure it out. I think I have it now.
It can be tricky sometimes. (I deleted my post, as you can see.) I cut my bbq teeth on a Brinkmann smoker - not quite a trash can, but not much better. I can see from the photos that you've mastered the hard part. Everything you learned cooking on the trash can smoker should translate to the WSM, but the whole process will be much easier.
LOL. I've never seen a trash can used as a smoker like that. I've seen the oil drums, but never the can.

Good thing you smoked meat in your backyard. If it was in the front someone might call the fire department because there is a delicious garbage fire burning.

I can't knock the trash can too much because I've never tried it, but I can assure you that the WSM is a step in the right direction.

