New(To Me) Performer Owner With a Question



New member
I have always felt that my man card was missing the critical endorsement of cooking over fire and now fate has stepped in to help me correct that deficiency. I have finally scored my first charcoal powered meat cooker.


Somehow my Wife convinced me to load up our four toddlers and drive to every garage sale in our annual community garage sale last weekend and this seems to be karma rewarding me for that. This beauty was the only thing that they didn't want money for. It was absolutely free and it seems to be in perfect condition except for the missing propane bottle which I happened to have due to my ice fishing addiction. Does anyone know what kind of adapter I need to hook up my OPD compliant 5 lb cylinder? The vent code is DD, so it is a 2000 model?


My Brother and I have been kicking around these forums for a few years trying to become passably proficient at smoking in our(his) 18.5" WSM. I also used the knowledge base here to fix up the gas(NG) grill that we use 3-4 times a week. I look forward to learning how to make some of the amazing things I see you guys making. Is there a thread for newbies? I have questions about how much charcoal to use, what kind, how to know when the coals are ready, etc...

Thanks in advance,
Adam Torgerson
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Thanks Bob. I assumed that everyone could see them since they show when I pull up the thread.
Am I still the only one that can see the pics? I've tried linking them through Google Photo, Flickr and now Photobucket. Maybe a link to the photo location will work?

Ive been to HD and Gander Mountain looking for a way to adapt my OPD cylinder to the gas assist on my new grill.
Adam, I am seeing the pics now so I assume that others can see them also. You did good. As for a link for noob questions, try this LINK. Or just click on the link at the top of this page that says "The Weber Virtual Bullet".
Awesome score! I just got my hands on a mint SS Performer and cooked on it for the first time today (baked beans in a dutch oven, so nothing too exciting). You'll enjoy it!
I did find another defect, the serial # plate is missing. I hope it's not hot, j/k. It's biological parents live in a very tony area. It looks like I won't be able to talk Weber into giving me a quick connect tank adapter. That's okay though, I doubt if I could wait that long anyway.

