New (to me) Genesis 1000 project

All good points. What I was told about welding is that a grinder is a Welder's best friend. LOL.
My welder cousin says that’s often the truth! He is an incredible welder, but, with talent comes expense, I KNOW he could put together the 304 frame for my ultimate genesis from “found parts” project but, I’m not sure he has time or even shop space anymore, he retired just before Covid and we’ve not gotten together since! It might be time to remedy that. My nephew is developing his skills but, I don’t know when he might have any time.
My son welds Stainless all day long. If you think I can get him to weld me up stuff, you are wrong. I have a small Lincoln 140 and do my best and grind the rest. Works for me.
I have not done any welding in almost 50 years, high school was the last time. Nephew has done some nice work but, after his various surgeries getting things back to “normal is going to take him a while. We. Have discussed laser engraving of the tank scale and a control panel just for fun! He’s not very interested in the project but, he says he wants to do more welding. Once I amass the tube stock, figure out the cutting schedule, increasing height maybe four inches, it shouldn’t be that big a project when one has the right shop space and equipment.
I don't know for sure, but I would assume so. My sand blaster guy does powder coating as his main business and he has ever color and sheen imaginable of parts laying around his shop.
I just googled it and there is a place in Grand Rapids that does a silver “Cerakote” suitable for 2000*!
I might be getting myself in trouble what this project!!! I’m not sure what the sheen is like. When I start the frame, I might just take it up there and see what they have to say. At worst, I’ll just have to bring it home in black (or blue, to match the lid?) we shall see.

