New stoker-web


Love the program, and have used it for my past two cooks. Is there an easy way to use an Ubuntu server without jetty?

I'd test anything if it'll help. I look forward to the updates you listed, especially the ability to leave the server up.

Thanks for all your hard work on the project.
Hey Gary, glad you like it.

Yes it will run on Ubuntu and yes it can run with another servlet engine, I just have not tested either. The list of servelt engines out there is pretty extensive, there is good list here: servlets, I simply choose jetty because it came with the gwt plugin for eclipse. One of the most popular free ones is tomcat and would be my second choice if I were to run under another.
I'll see if I can't give it a run under tomcat and at least give you another server/servlet engine combination to add to your list.

Edit - Woohoo! Up and running on Tomcat6/Apache/Ubuntu 12.04.

Showing stoker not connected, when it finishes storming I'll see if I can't get the stoker out and connect it.

If I understand the procedure now, I'll just have to upgrade files and undeploy/deploy new versions. I'm pumped! If I didn't have a ton smoked right now, it'd be running now.
Update: went ahead and shifted to Tomcat7 and have had the server up and running with the stoker visible. Now I need a reason to cook. Tomorrow is Friday, maybe that will do.

FWIW, if you need a test bed server, let me know.
Hey Gary,

Great news. I can now add tomcat as another tested platform. I also run with apache but never added the configuration steps to the wiki because it complicates it.

Friday is a great reason to cook!
At the risk of sounding greedy :-o is there any chance we can get a doc on the ubuntu/apache/tomcat install? I would LOVE to have this running persistently in a lightweight VM where I just have to fire it up and start smoking but i'm a bit outgunned in the Linux world ;-)

I've played with Ubuntu in a VM and this would be much more lightweight and a free alternative to running Windows in a VM on my mac. Win8 running this works well but soon that free ride will end and it takes mre resources to run compared to Ubuntu.

Originally posted by Gary Bak:
Hey Gary,

Great news. I can now add tomcat as another tested platform. I also run with apache but never added the configuration steps to the wiki because it complicates it.

Friday is a great reason to cook!
I can list the websites or steps I followed to get it running. In Ubuntu, I did it almost completely the old fashioned way. Mainly, to get a better feel for explaining it if something didn't work.

Edit: Gary, I have my steps in a word document if you would like to see them. I'd almost rather you look at them and make sure that they meet your standard, as I'm just a grateful user of the hard work you've put into this project.
Edit: Gary, I have my steps in a word document if you would like to see them. I'd almost rather you look at them and make sure that they meet your standard, as I'm just a grateful user of the hard work you've put into this project.

That would be great, thanks. I think I've got and Ubuntu laptop in the basement that I can try it out on then I'll convert the doc into the Wiki format and post it on the project site.

If you could email the doc to me that would work. Stick my fist and last name together at You can also get my address from the project page.
I look forward to trying this software! I especially am intrigued by the remote checking potential.

Out of coincidence, I am in Cumming...very close to Suwanee. Glad to see more WSM/Stoker enthusiasts around!
Hey Gary, There is no way to rename the probes on the fly. A restart is necessary. Even with the new changes in the works, I don't think renames will be allowed either. It gets a little complicated, maybe sometime down the road...

Jim, good to hear there is a local stoker-web following. I hope you like it and post or drop me a line if you need help with it.

Gary, I forgot to mention that I tested out your tomcat / ubuntu install instructions and it worked out well. I'll format it for the Wiki and post it.

Thanks again.
Gary, I'm betting that the config file is read at startup only then. I'll keep writing down what is on what probe, or rename to top and bottom... I've gotten CRS bad, must be true what they say about diet drinks!
I had to think about your post for a minute to trying to figure out why you need to rename on the fly. I'm guessing that you have several food probes and since you have to name them up front, you don't know which one to stick where when it comes to putting the food on, is that correct?

I can give some thought to that and renaming on the fly.
Mr. Noles is my dad, I go by Noles or G, depending on if we're at work or not.

yeah, I can't remember which probe was in what, and sometimes on day-long smokes I'll move a probe to a different cut. Last cook it was dark and I crossed the probes. Pulled the chicken a touch late.

Hope the tomcat steps help. They look good to me.
Hey Gary,

I've been thinking about renaming the probes and I'm planning on making the change sooner than later. The only way I see this as possible is to force the user to end all logs that are currently running with the probe in it. Would you see that as a major inconvenience?

I'm thinking you stick the probe in a new chunk of meat and you'd want to start a new log anyway?

And I still don't know what to do with the default log/graph. The log should be okay, but I'll have to look at renaming the probe in the defaults graph legend.
I usually start a new cook log with each changeover. Right now I have spareribs running and will be changing over in about three to four hours... Then I'll move onto chicken.

It's a shame you can't build a soft link to the real name of the probe and have it update in the log... Or not even change the name, but put a note field linked to the probe.

Sorry, it's been too long since I coded anything or I'd offer to help. How long has it been? Does Fortran ring a bell?

