Gary Bak
Feels like it's been forever, but I've started to complete the changes I dropped months ago. I spent the entire night on Monday trying to remember what I had done and almost decided to scrap it all. On Tuesday I decided to plug in the Guava EventBus (by Google) for my Event handling and it made the code much simpler. With the Guice addition added back when, the changes are taking shape.
Surprisingly, with little effort, the program started and connected to the stoker. I still have some unimplemented code for the config change screen, this is the code I was dreading writing months ago, but it's time to bite the bullet.
Surprisingly, with little effort, the program started and connected to the stoker. I still have some unimplemented code for the config change screen, this is the code I was dreading writing months ago, but it's time to bite the bullet.