New stoker-web

Fix for black-box Stokers with Wifi firmware is available on the project site.

This release contains a bug fix only and no new functionality. Stoker-web was not able to associate the blower with a probe when reading the Stoker's web page. The configuration was changed to use the JSON interface instead of scraping the web page.

Just wanted to make a suggestion. Would there be any way to make the actual reports available if the Stoker is offline? Right now if you don't have the Stoker on, the only page you get is the blank one that says Stoker offline. It would be nice to have it bring up the regular page, but instead of the gauges, it simply says Stoker offline on the top of that. But still allows you to get to the reports of previous cooks.
It's in the works...

The plan is to show the top section of stoker-web, with the sign-in, Reports, and update buttons and the weather on the bottom, The middle section will be empty if it is not connected. This would allow the reports to be used when the stoker is not active.
Hey Gary, quick question.
If I just leave Stokerweb running on my server and shutdown the stoker will Stokerweb reconnect when the stoker is turned back on?
Hey Bob,

It's in the final plan to have it work like that, but it does not work like that yet. Currently, you can turn off your stoker and it will reconnect again, but the last running default log will still be active. You'd have to restart stoker-web to clear it out. This is not desirable since there will be a lot of points on the graph making it quite slow.

The ultimate plan is when stoker-web detects that the stoker has been offline for a long time, say 15 minutes (configurable) it will go into a hibernate like mode clearing out all the objects on the server. When the stoker is detected, it will act as if starting from scratch.

I'm in the process of an exhaustive re-write of the client code. Partly to support an offline mode, where reports can still be run and the other is to try out a mvp framework. The plan is to have the reset/reconnect working when that is released, and if I actually like the new code.
Just competed a long cook and toward the end the graph was crippling my Android after a refresh. The browser on my computer would load and refresh pretty quickly, but the phone was taking minutes.

I see two solutions for this, attempt to reduce the number of points on the graph after a refresh or remove the graph for mobile devices. After thinking about it a bit, I may provide a second context path, this path would have the temps without the graph. I was out and about much of the day, and it was really helpful to watch and change the cooker temps remotely. It worked, just slower than I wanted it to be.


I noticed last night that the beta 2 patch released for the black box stoker does not read the alarm temps correctly from the Stoker. I'll take a look at this soon and likely provide another patch.

Beta 3 is moving along, should be ready soon.
Hi Gary,

Not quite with how you run the application up? After downloading the application what do you do to get it running?

Thanks and regards,

The best guide I have so far is the Jetty Deploy document that is on the project page, have you seen that?

Jetty Deploy

The process is not as simple as installing a program and running it. Take a look at that document as well as the instructions on the home page. Once you look at them, you may have a better understanding of what is required and I can answer any questions you may have.

Hey Jeff,

The current version does not work correctly without a blower. The next release will solve that problem.

What was the resolution to this? Looks like it may have been addressed offline... unfortunately, I have what seems to be the same issue.

Probe gauges and weather work, no dropdown, graphs or cooker listed. I can create a log, and I can see entries being placed in the log file. I tried setting it up on 2 different systems, used Chrome and FF, and scoured this thread trying all the suggestions referenced... all to no avail. I even reset the stoker in case moving probes around caused something.

Originally posted by Dino S.:
let me know where you want me to send the information.
Hey Darold,

Can you post the top 10-20 lines of the log file that is created? I'd like to see the configuration that is read.

Also, which stoker do you have, black or white?

For all others following stoker-web, development is still moving along. I had mostly completed the configuration changes that have been long in the workings, but the last few changes got me to rethink some of my objects and strategies.

I've got too many singletons, which I don't like and classes that dealt with the stoker (config, data and state) spread around the code base. Finally, I decided on a single interface, PitMonitor which the StokerPitMonitor (or other) would implement. This consolidates stoker specific code and makes it much cleaner. I've also added dependency injection via Guice.

Unfortunately there is little added functionality to all these changes, but it will make the code easier to understand and maintain.
c:01:6a0000002a366e05: BLOWER:000: :000:000:BGE:
c:04:6a0000129983ce30: FOOD:190: NONE:032:032:Food+Probe+1:
c:03:c100001299931030: FOOD:190: NONE:032:032:Food+Probe+2:
c:02:c30000116ee96330: PIT:228: NONE:032:032:Pit+Probe:6a0000002a366e05
w:20120503_080117| 76.0: 79: 6.0:Cloudy
c:01:6a0000002a366e05: BLOWER:000: :000:000:BGE:
c:04:6a0000129983ce30: FOOD:190: NONE:032:032:Food+Probe+1:
c:03:c100001299931030: FOOD:190: NONE:032:032:Food+Probe+2:
c:02:c30000116ee96330: PIT:228: NONE:032:032:Pit+Probe:6a0000002a366e05

I have the black version, Blue LCD, running wifi-code.

Originally posted by Gary Bak:
Hey Darold,

Can you post the top 10-20 lines of the log file that is created? I'd like to see the configuration that is read.

Also, which stoker do you have, black or white?

It looks good other than the cooker name missing. You are getting the blower association with the pit probe, that was the original bug that T.O. reported with the WiFi unit.

Make sure that your blower ID: 6a0000002a366e05 is in the file with the cooker name. It should be in all lower case.

This is problematic step that will be gone in the next release, whenever I can get that out...

If it is in there correctly, I'll need to look at a trace file.
Lowercase was the issue! When you copy it from the stoker web page it's all caps. Only 2 hours into this brisket and it's working now, Thank you!!!

Originally posted by Gary Bak:
It looks good other than the cooker name missing. You are getting the blower association with the pit probe, that was the original bug that T.O. reported with the WiFi unit.

Make sure that your blower ID: 6a0000002a366e05 is in the file with the cooker name. It should be in all lower case.

This is problematic step that will be gone in the next release, whenever I can get that out...

If it is in there correctly, I'll need to look at a trace file.
Work has been killing me, so progress has been a bit slow. Good news is as of the end of next week, I'll be back on stoker-web development, in my free time!
Thanks Gary, I've been checking almost daily to see if there have been any updates. I've used your program successfully several times and really like that once started I can access the full details of a cook from any computer.

