New stoker-web

New Stoker-web release is available:

See the Release Notes for change details:
Release Notes Page

Download Stoker-web:
Download Page

Issues List

There are still a few rough edges with this release, but it seems stable. I ran a cook today that went perfectly; Alarms sounded, cook log started/ended fine and PDF report was created with the correct stats.

I was aiming for a release last week, but an obscure problem when I moved the war file to Linux set me behind. The problem I ran into was actually two separate problems. One is Chrome hangs when downloading the PDF report from the server. This seems to be a problem when deployed on Linux, windows works fine. The second issue was the text labels for the graph in the PDF report were blank. This is caused by the JVM was is shipped with Fedora Linux. Switching to a Sun downloaded JVM fixed that problem.

Enjoy and feedback is always welcome!
Stoker-web depends on an active connection to the internet because of the gauge library that I am using and I got an inquiry the other day regarding just that. It's always been the plan to have an option to be Internet free so I've been working on a solution.

The easy solution (turned out not to be so easy) was to replace the gauges with just text. Here is my stab at it:


The text is real time as was the gauge and the text will turn to blue or red depending on the alarm condition. If no alarm is set the smaller numbers will not be visible.

There will be a setting in the file as to which temp display scheme you'd like to use. Normally i'd be trivial to use a property from the file, but this is on the client (browser) side, so the properties will have to be requested/pushed somehow.

This change will be available in the next release beta 0.2
good looking set of gauges, I like how they will turn different colors depending on the condition. This is a great product, and I can see our BBQ monitoring issues solved with it.

Had a bit of luck getting Stoker-web working on Android using the digit temp display. It may work with the gauges, but I haven't tested it yet. The native Android browser is still not working correctly, using Firefox it works good. Temp display, updates and even the graph works!

When working over the instant temperature display widgets I made the code that checks for the alarm conditions, to change the colors, much simpler. That may be helping the mobile browsers.

Had a few requests to be able to change the resolution of the gauges, it will be in the next release.

Gary, spent a couple hours trying to get this running on Win& with IE9, no luck.

I used the latest jetty 6.1.26 and updated Java. I cant even get the AddUser.jar to work. Here is the current output :

C:\Users>cd ..

C:\>cd Temp

C:\Temp>cd StokerWebDir

C:\Temp\StokerWebDir>java -jar addUser.jar
Enter username: adam
Enter password:
Retype password:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logg
at<clinit>(Unknown Source)
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.log4j.Logger
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 2 more


I can send you the output from the start command, but basically it complains alot. I understand if you dont want to debug my Java install through the forum. But let me know if its something stupid.

I can telnet into the stoker and run commands on port 23 and am able to get your icon up when I go to localhost8080:/stokerweb

but thats it.
I hadn't run the addUser since adding the logging, so that is an oversight by me. I'll have that fixed in the next release.

as a workaround, you can specify:

$ java -cp /path/to/war/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar -jar addUser.jar

I was mucking around with IE9 last night and it does not work at all. Firefox works the best followed by Chrome. I know it works in Safari, but I don't test it.

I've been chasing a problem with browser refreshes causing a blank screen in Chrome, it works perfectly in Firefox. I think it may have come about in the later if not the latest version, so I'm trying to chase than down before a new release.

Thanks for the feedback.
Gary, searched for these files and couldnt find them exactly in either the java or jetty install, where do you mean when you say path to war?
Sorry, the jar file I was speaking of is packaged in the war file. I was looking at an exploded view on my machine.

You can download a copy of the file from here:

put it in the same directory as the addUser.jar and run this:

$ java -cp ./log4j-1.2.15.jar -jar addUser.jar

hope that works before I can get in there and fix it.
New Stoker-web release is available:

See the Release Notes for change details:
Release Notes

Download Stoker-web:
Download Page

Issues List Issues List

Changes include Internet free operation, when using the text based temp display.
Temp range on gauges can now be modified.
Corrected errors when running addUser.jar
Make sure that your STOKERWEB_DIR env variable is defined and that the file exists in that directory.

If you're using jetty, put it in the resources directory. This is the file that is on my linux machine:
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=info, file

# Direct log messages to a log file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
Gary - I upgraded the STOKER with the WIFI firmware and now I am having issues with StokerWeb. It will run but it will not graph anything. However, it does log the temperatures into the log file.
If you could, post the top 20 lines of your temp log file so I can see the configuration that it picked up.

Do the temps show up correctly in the gauges?
under your configured STOKERWEB_DIR. The file tree goes by year, then month. Buried under there will be one with the current date/time stamp.

Also, does the cooker name come up correctly, and is there a default log file name in the drop down box?
I thought you wanted something else and not the cook log. Here are first 20 or so lines below. Also, I had to run another test and the cooker name does not come up, nor is there a default log file name in the drop-down box.

c:03:8d0000116f2d4e30: FOOD:045: NONE:032:032
c:01:910000002a50b805: BLOWER:000: :000:000:5cm+blower:
c:02:b40000116f27cc30: FOOD:032: NONE:032:032:b40000116f27cc30:
w:20120215_124503| 54.0: 26: 16.0:Fair
c:03:8d0000116f2d4e30: FOOD:200: NONE:032:032
c:01:910000002a50b805: BLOWER:000: :000:000:5cm+blower:
c:02:b40000116f27cc30: FOOD:032: NONE:032:032:b40000116f27cc30:
That means that the program is unable to read the Cooker Name using the blower id in the file. Usually the incorrect ID is in there or the case is incorrect, it is case sensitive.

It does not look like you have a blower setup for your PIT sensor. It should show up as the very last item on the probe lines, if one is configured. Check the stoker's own web page to make sure that your configuration is setup correctly. Blower belongs to the correct pit probe, etc...

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">c:00:01:null
c:03:8d0000116f2d4e30: FOOD:045: NONE:032:032it+sensor:
c:01:910000002a50b805: BLOWER:000: :000:000:5cm+blower:
c:02:b40000116f27cc30: FOOD:032: NONE:032:032:b40000116f27cc30:</pre>
I rechecked everything and my system is setup with a PIT SENSOR (i.e Control Sensor) to the BLOWER.

I also rechecked the serial number and the case seems to be right. I had this issue before and can't remember how it was rectified.

